
What foods are good anti inflammatory for arthritis?

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i know about hot peppers but what are some other good foods for arthritis?




  1. I read somewhere about ginger. ginger biscuits.   I find putting affected joints in water or under a running tap helps a great deal.  Also the right medication helps control the effects.   Relax in the bath or spend ages in the shower.  

  2. Be careful with heat it can actually increase inflammation, even though it does feel good when you use it.  Be sure to use ice for up to 15 minutes after using moist heat.

    As far as foods go, Omega 3 (fish oils), tumeric, ginger, boswellia all work very well.

  3. Don't know what foods are good. but like the other answer. A lot of exercise and As warm or hot as you can take showers. Hot pads. I have to take a hot shower in the morning or i am stiff and in pain all day!

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