
What foods can a 18 month old NOT eat?

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I know you should avoid nuts and I heard somewhere grapes, but can you feed them tomatoes and apples? What else can they not eat?




  1. The only thing to avoid is whole nuts, which shouldn't be given before 5. Should be fine in something like peanut butter, but as people have said, if you have a history of allergies then they are perhaps best avoided altogether.

    Honey is fine after one year, it just shouldn't be given to babies as it can contain a form of infant botulism.  

    Pretty much anythoing else is fine, but obviously watch the salt and sugar intake and you should always supervise their eating to minimise the chances of choking.

  2. They can eat pretty much anything you do as long as they can chew it, avoid anything that could be a choking hazard like hard sweets ( I know this is obvious to most but I've seen a toddler choke on one in the street one day, luckily me and a friend intervened and dislodged the sweet). And try not and give too much salt.

    My little boy is 17 months and eats almost everything we do, he loves curry as well as long as its not too spicy ( though I did have major curry cravings when pregnant).

    Just be aware of how well they chew and swallow, he's had some back teeth for ages so can chew nearly anything.

    You only need to avoid nuts and other foods which you or your partner are allergic to, and I'd steer clear of things containing raw egg too though.

    Good luck.

  3. Well, I wouldn't feed them anything that either parent is allergic to without talking to a doctor first. Also, I remember my girlfriends going on and on about how babies aren't supposed to ingest honey. I can't remember why that is though. Oh, and obviously nothing difficult to chew or that is stringy or has a tough skin. ( I imagine that's the reason behind the apples.)

  4. You can give them grapes it's just that they are a choking hazard so should be cut in half first. Once mine get to a yr old I give them pretty much anything they can chew.

  5. pet an 18 month old can eat anything and everything that you eat. seriously everything you've been told not to give him is bull. 20 year old mom of 2 boys 23 months and 8 months

  6. yes to tomatoes and apples. Grapes are also fine to feed to an 18 month old - I've never heard of that before! My daughter loved them by the time she was 8 or 9 months old.

    With the exception of nuts (which should be avoided till around age 5), an 18 month old can eat pretty much anything. It's down to you to be sensible with that though!  

  7. Avoid Chicken Madras  

  8. i have heard of babies choking on grapes but mine ate grapes i cut them in half first

    tomatoes and apples yet- dont need to chop them up my daughter (who is now 8) loved to eat a whole apple and of course chewed off the bits she could manage

    I know you should avoid runny egg and honey!

    I would recommend avoiding hard sweets- and any sweets most of the time! lol  

  9. an 18 month old can eat pretty much anything. I would just be careful with  things that family members have allergies to. However there are foods that you should be cautious with. Such as, things that are small and round like grapes. Hot dogs are a very common thing young one choke on. You want to cut these down the center the long way before slicing them. Hot dogs are one of the hardest things to remove when a child is choking because it's round, not heavy and  doesn't dissolve. I would recommend doing this until the child is at lest 5. It's required at my step-daughters school and she's 4. If you don't think the child can swallow it (anything especially meats) then cut it in to smaller pieces. It's better to be safe then lose a child.

  10. No honey until they are 5, I don't know why

  11. Apples are fine - you may not even need to chop them up, my toddler loves biting chunks out of a whole apple.

    Tomatoes are OK too, but you may well find that the toddler doesn't like the squashy sensation you get when you bite them.

    Basically, by the age of 18 months a toddler can eat pretty much anything you do, although obviously I'd steer clear of anything too spicy. Probably worth avoiding unpasteurised cheese and things made with raw eggs (eg mayonnaise) for now. Also be careful of the amount of salt you're feeding them - a lot of processed food contains much more salt than a toddler should get.

  12. black jack

  13. vindaloo

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