
What foods can i eat to replace...?

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the bad ones i eat. i have a lot of trouble staying away from candies and sweets. i eat a lot of junk but i still weigh about 135 and am fairly active.

i hate that i eat like this but i try sometimes to eat healthy and i feel like i just build up this wall that bursts and i pig out on junk. i also don't feel like theres any variety in healthy foods either.

can someone help me with foods to replace some of the crappy stuff with YUMMY healthy foods?




  1. for sweets try replacing it with organic peanut butter or dried fruits

  2. believe me, dear, we ALL have this problem! sweets and chips are extremely tempting.

    fruits can make a great healthy snack! bananas are great on the go, or if you have more time, maybe a peach or an apple. if you have still MORE time, then strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes and even more can be great! or try 100 calorie packs from companies like oreo and quaker snack cakes!

    if weight is a concern but you're still tempted, try to only eat junk food before 3:00. that way you will still have time left in the day to burn off the fat and sugar/salt.

    still tempted? try to decrease the amount of junk you eat per day. or eat normally one day, but write down everything, EVERYTHING you eat. you'll get an idea of what to cut and what to add!

    don't completely give up junk food, but don't "reward" yourself every five minutes, and you'll soon find you'll be eating junk moderately!

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