
What foods can i give my rats?

by  |  earlier

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well so far they have had grapes, bread, strawberries, cucumber, banana, corned beef, chicken, pasta, ham, cheese




  1. you can get rat mix food from a good pet shop this is the best for a balanced diet

  2. Just about anything but avoid citrus fruits and rat poison of course LOL

  3. i would stay away from the corned beef and ham. chicken and the rest seems fine. make sure you feed them some type or seeds such as sunflower seeds.

  4. give them very little meat, lots of fruits and veggies. You can also just give them rat food with lab blocks. That has everything they need in it

  5. just try to aviod these ones

    blue cheese contains toxic mold

    licorice contains a suspected neurotoxin

    raw dry beans or peanuts contain antinutrients, cause red blood cell clumping (note: the peanuts that you buy in stores are almost always roasted so are okay.... frozen beans from veggie mixes are okay because they've been pre-cooked)

    raw sweet potato contains cyanide-forming compounds

    raw red cabbage and brussel sprouts contain an antinutrient that destroys thiamin

    raw artichokes inhibit protein digestion

    green bananas inhibit starch digestion

    green potato skin and eyes contain solanine (toxin)

    wild insects could carry parasites

    rhubarb high levels of oxalates which bind up calcium

    raw bulk tofu can contain bacteria (packaged tofu is safe)

    orange juice contains d-limonene which can cause kidney cancer in male rats

    raw onion can lead to anemia and an upset stomach

    feed these ones with caution

    carbonated drinks rats can't burp!

    chocolate It contains stimulants that can lead to heart failure or neurological poisoning in high quantities. A bit of chocolate is okay and can actually temporarily alleviate respiratory distress

    Peanut Butter This can cause choking in rats.  If you want to give your rats some, mix it with jam or something liquid to make it less sticky.

    Avocados These are high in fat and are a good treat to feed rats that are in need of "beefing up" (make sure the fruit is ripe).  However, the pit, rind, skin and leaves of avocados are toxic.  The part of the fruit in contact with the pit has a higher concentration of toxins.

    dried corn It can have high levels of fungal contaminates which can lead to liver cancer.  A little fresh corn is fine.

    and watch out for these things

    Mold This can be toxic.  You wouldn't eat a moldy piece of food so of course you'd never give it to your rat.  Remember grains can go moldy too.

    Chlorinated and/or fluoridated Tap Water Chlorine isn't good for us or our rats.   Read more about the dangers of fluoride here.

    Household Plants Here's a list of toxic plants: Plants that are poisonous to small pets.  Be sure your poinsettia and holly are out of reach over the holidays. Note: in some cases, some parts of a particular plant are poisonous (eg. foliage) whereas other parts of the fruit are safe (eg. fruit).

  6. they are considered as rodents so normally they would like to eat crunchy foods like nuts or seeds. you can always go to the pet store and ask the workers. for drinks i'll recommend milk or plain water. good-luck!

  7. They can eat pretty much anything we can eat. Some pine leaves can be poisonous, but i dont know why you would want to feed them that anyway. Too many citrus fruits can make them sick, but a little is ok. Raw artichoke and green potato is bad for them. Unlile dogs, chocolate is not poisonous to rats. Infact, in moderation it can be good for their health! One to three chocolate chips a week can help rats with breathing problems, and they LOVE it!

    Really sticky foods should be avoided, since that can cause suffocation. Peanut butter straight from the jar can be dangerous, but if you mix it with some flour to make it less sticky it can make a great treat! Also, rats can't burp so avoid carbonated drinks like soda.

    I make my rats a homemade diet. I use dry pasta, little chunks of wheat bread (Too much bread can be fattening, tho), unsweetened cereal like rice krispies, krispix, and oat cereal. I also put in granola, dried fruit, and dog food. Cat food is a little too fatty so its not that great for them. I like to buy gronola mix for them at stores like safeway and nob hill.

    Rats love sweets like cookies, candy, and chips. However, like humans too much can be bad. Too much fatty foods can lead to tumors later in life. So give those foods with moderation. Rats also like the occasional bit of meat, but try to avoid any heavy sauce or seasoning. Unseasoned meat or fish can be a good source of protein. Rats also love a good bone to chew on, and its great for their teeth!

    Here are some good sites you can look at :)

    Thats about all i got for now, if you have any more questions, just email me and il be glad to answer!

  8. slow down buddy!!!stop before they pop! rats can eat just bout anything includeing ciggerete buts..*not a good idea***

    go to the pet stor the food it usually cheep  get some rodent seeds...not the small yellow bird feed...the rat kind usually has pictures of rats mice yaddayaddayadda just pour some in a small dish and sit it in there cage they will eat when needed..they wont overfeed themselves..refill when empty though..

  9. well just give them peas its their favorite food. Any fruit works too.

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