
What foods don't agree with your baby?

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What foods can't you eat because it gives your breastfed baby bad gas or belly aches??

I have found that i cannot eat anything "fake" like meat pies or sausage rolls, also anything that is even slightly spicy i spend the next day giving him lots of infant gas drops.

Also another question does anyone know how long it takes for flavours to leave your breastmilk?




  1. I could never eat citrus, within a few hours my baby would get a blistering diaper rash.

       Funny though, the acid from tomatoes never bothered him!

    He is two and still no citrus, but he is the KING of the PIZZA PARLOR!

      Sorry I have no answer on the flavor retention issue.

  2. It seems that my baby gets gas after I drink soda... and I think it takes about 8 hours for a flavor to leave the breast milk.  

  3. It really depended on how old he was.  In the beginning I had to stay away from all dairy, eggs, soy, oats, shellfish, peanut products, citrus, anything spicy, or anything with flavor + all those classic gassy foods.  Around 5 months I could add citrus, flavorful foods and some classic gassy foods.  Around 6 months I started to very slowly add dairy back and by 8 or 9 months I could eat anything I wanted.  I nursed him until he was 13 months old.  

    I know it takes dairy 3 weeks to leave the breastmilk, I'm not sure about flavors.  

    Try also Gripe Water, it can work wonders -- I never noticed much of a difference, but some people swear by it -- it's all natural and soothes upset tummies

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