
What foods is the spiciest? what country has the spiciest foods in the world?

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what r the top 5 spiciest foods from around the world?

what top 5 countries got the blandest foods?

what countries got more salty food? what countries got more sour food? what countries got more sweet food, and what countries got more bitter food?

im part Indian, and when i cook, most of my friends that eat even mexican food, cant handle the spice of my homemade Indian food.




  1.  Um Thai food is definitely flippin spicy! I can only handle a chili or two in my food, but I know people that chuck twenty chilis into some of their food and it doesn't phase them! The food here can get crazyyy hot!

  2. Mexican food is known around the world for having or being the hottest and most spiciest plates of all. If you dont believe me travel around and try the foods. I have been to India and many countries in the Middle East, as well as Asia and thus far have rated Mexican Food as the best.

  3. Chicken briyani is the spiciest food ..

  4. i dont know about spicy food but the hottest chilli in the world is the ghost chilli from bangladesh, so hot you just need to touch the tip on your food.

    Anyone wanting to try the Dorset Naga will have to be patient as chillis are harvested only from July on. In Bangladesh the chillies grow in temperatures of well over 100F (38C) but in Dorset they thrive in polytunnels.

    Aktar Miha, from the Indus Bangladeshi restaurant in Bournemouth, said that even in its home country the naga chilli was treated with respect. “It is used in some cooking, mainly with fish curries, but most people don’t cook with it. They hold it by the stalk and just touch their food with it,” he said.

    It has a refreshing smell and a very good taste but you don’t want too much of it. It is a killer chilli and you have to be careful and wash your hands and the cutting board. If you don’t know what you are doing it could blow your head off.

  5. i love perri perri sauce, its great with chicken.

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