
What foods or drinks best hide the taste of crushed pills?

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My 13 year old will not swallow pills, I was wondering what food or drink I could crush the pills into without her tasting them? They are the type of medication that can be crushed. She is just very stubborn.





  1. Try a sweetened apple sauce, it usually covers the taste.

  2. Don't use milk. Milk coats the stomach and reduces the effectiveness of the medications. I do know that you can use applesauce to add crushed pills to. I used to need to do that to help my grandma after her stroke, some of those pills were just too hard to swallow.

    A quick call to your pharmacist should tell you what foods are safe to take with the meds. You might try the yogurt smoothies as a drink, or just simply tell your daughter that when she is done taking her pills she can have a treat, like ice cream or something else that normally would not be permitted during the day. Best of luck!

  3. Donut bites that have sprinkles on them not only mask the taste, but you can't see the medicines.  Worked for me :)

  4. milk.

    or try some delicious chocolate milk.

  5. my mom used to do applesauce with me, or try pudding or yogurt maybe.

  6. A little "Clamato" will hide the taste of almost anything.

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