
What foods should i eat in order to loose weight.?

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what foods should i eat in order to loose weight. I keep reading things like; you shouldnt eat this and you shouldnt eat that from people on this sight. Then what the heck can i eat. Can anyone give me any ideas of what they eat in their daily lifes because ive just realized what ive been eating is bad but what i thought was good for you. i need to know what specific foods to eat in order to loose weight.if you could name some things that you eat that you know will help you loose weight i would appreciate it.




  1. meat - should be boiled or grilled

    salads - no or minimal dressing

    snack on raw vegetables/fruits

    almonds are low in calories and fill you up

    fresh food is best

    natural or friut yougurt instead of icecream


    if you want to get takeout the best is shushi

  2. yeah, i agree with food is awful for your body. i stopped eating it a month ago and I've lost 9 pounds and i am still losing. i didn't change my exercise or other eating habits either. i ate it once a couple days ago, just to see if it made a difference and it did! it was like i tasted every calorie and every gram of fat. I'm not trying to preach to you but i just think slowing/stopping your intake of fast food will help you help you lose weight.

  3. Yeah, but watch out with the salt they pack into Lean Cuisine.

    You're better off going to the store, finding out what's in the Lean Cuisine boxes, and then making it yourself--without as much salt.

  4. lots of vegetables and run everyday and DONT EAT MCDONALDS and u will definitly lose weight

  5. if the only reason that you want to loose weight is because of people on y!a, then dont even worry about it. they dont know you, your metabolism, your exercise routine, or anything else about you.

    however, if you really think that you want to loose weight, try eating more fruits and vegetables. they can be raw, cooked, or prepared in anyway as long as its not served with something fatty like cheese or a lot of butter. you also left out if you are a vegan or vegetarian, so its hard to find good foods.

    or, if you dont want to change your diet, you can just exercise more.

    if you are in a rush to loose the weight, cut out the fatty foods, and exercise more. the thing that you need to remember is if you burn more calories than you take in, you will loose weight. if you consume more than you burn, you will gain weight.

    hope this helps!!! : )

  6. Eat a LOT of fruits, and try to choose a variety- try new ones. There are many out there. Also, a lot of vegatables- some you have to acquire a taste for but you get used to it. Try to eat fruits and veggies at least 30min apart from heavy food so it's easier and faster to digest.

    If you're not vegetarian- stop (or keep it to a minimum) eating any kind of meat (fish included), cheese, milk, or anything made from animals- these products contain a lot of fat, hormones, steroids and other harmful chemicals that keep you fat.

    Sugars are also bad, and the substitues like Splenda are even worse- they contain chemicals that create so many other problems and don't help you lose weight at all. There have been many lawsuits against Splenda for all the health problems it may cause.

    Anything that says: high fructose corn syrup is BAD if you're trying to lose weight. Companies add it to almost everything because it's cheaper and sweeter than regular refined white sugar.

    Stuff like soda and a lot of juices have tons of high fructose corn syrup, so look at the ingredients and avoid those at all costs. (NO SODA- especially not DIET soda).

    Good sugar examples: agave nectar or syrup, stevia (derived from a plant), evaporated cane sugar, brown rice syrup, barley malt syrup, raw sugar, beet sugar, date sugar, maple syrup, and molasses.

    Remember: lots of Fruits, Vegetables, Whole grains (yes, bread and pasta), Beans (all kinds), Soy milk, and other substitutes for animal products. And NO meat or dairy (has so much fat!!)

    Good luck!! =]

  7. I am not trying to endorse any program or product but I used LEAN CUISINE and exercised EVERY DAY just a mile walk per day..... and lost 20 lbs in 2 months. Don't skip breakfast, eat wheat toast with light butter or jam. Every other meal eath LEAN CUISINE.

    Don't do the program they endorse on TV. ITS WAY TOO EXPENSIVE and you can do similar and most times better meals on your on in 30 minutes.

  8. I am a really big fan of steamed vegetables, with butter, but instead of using actual butter and margarine, and loading up on your calories, I use Spray butter. Becel makes one called topping and cooking spray, but it is actually a very low calorie spray butter. There is also another one Called, I can't Beleive it's not Butter.  If you load up on your veggies and grilled fish like salmon, you should be on your way to weight loss. To dim the cravings try chewing some sugar free gum, or  having some diet pop, or eating some veggies. Cantaloupe is a good fat burner, as well as sipping on some green tea with some sweetner like splenda, which will boost your metabolism. :] good luck!!

  9. All vegetables, except potatos (starch)

    Eat lots of fruits - preferably more of the less sweet ones because their low in sugar.

    Drink at least a gallon of water daily.

    Walk atleast 45 minutes a day.

    Completely eliminate fast food like the others said. You even want to reduce your intake of resturaunt food. Dont eat at chained resturants.

    Your diet should consist of atleast 70% raw fruits and vegetables. The rest can go towards protein foods such as legumes. (I'm assuming your a vegetarian because of the section you posted in.)

  10. It's not about what foods you eat, but the amounts.

    Weight loss is based on consuming fewer calories than you expend.  The type of food involved isn't really important for weight loss per se, although it is important for general health and not being hungry.  That is, you could eat nothing but Big Macs and lose weight, if you only ate one Big Mac per day, and nothing else but water, but you'd be very unhealthy and probably feel really hungry most of the time.

    That said, nobody ever got fat from eating too many fruits and vegetables.  

    Grains are sort of addictive, so consciously limit the amount of grains you eat (especially flour) and stick to whole grains.

    Choose lean protein sources (beans are great) for the most part and limit fatty ones such as nuts (I'm assuming since you asked this question here that meat is already out of the picture).  

    Also limit sweets, if that's not obvious, but don't cut them out entirely if you have a sweet tooth or you'll never be able to sustain the diet due to cravings.

    The basic formula is this:  pick the weight you want to be (in pounds).  Multiply that number by 13 (if you're female and pretty much inactive) or 15 (if you're male, or female and active).  That is the number of calories you can consume to lose weight slowly until you reach your target, and then sustain it.

  11. well i have lost 25lbs and am still losing.  I do moderate exercise and eat the following diet.  I lose about 1-3lbs a week if you stick to it religiously.  

    You can eat whatever you want.  

    But, spread it out in 4-6 small meals per day and use the following guidelines.  

    Keep your sodium intake to under 2400mg per day.  Keep your fat gram intake to under 45g per day.  Try to stay away from trans fats.  For calories take your current weight and multiply it by 13 that is the number of calories you should eat around daily to maintain your weight.  Then if you want to lose just subtract about 500 from that # and that's how many cals you should eat daily to lose 1-3lbs per week which is a very healthy pace.  Also you may want to take a few supplements like a multivitamin, calcium, vitamin d, and a vitamin b complex.  Sometimes when you diet you may short change your body on nutrients, so this would be a good idea.  

    hope this helps, it helped me immensely.

    Oh yeah make sure you eat breakfast, and don't reduce your caloric intake to under 1000 calories per day.

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