
What foods should i serve at my graduation open house?

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What foods should i serve at my graduation open house?




  1. get a platter (or 2) of roll-up sandwiches (cut wraps) at your grocery deli...  fruit salad .. cole slaw ... potato salad ... bean salad ... green salad  ... pasta salad ... a relish platter ... veggie platter & dip ... Graduation cake and assorted cookie platter

  2. tacos and burritos

  3. If it is an Open House, then people will be coming & going...stopping in for a bit, kind of thing.

    I would go for cold things that you don't need to tend to much or keep warm.  Here are some suggestions:

    Big fresh fruit platter (check what looks good at the store)

    A platter of sandwiches, or a party size sub (recipe follows)

    Potato salad (a special recipe follows!)

    A platter of shrimp and/or crab

    Deviled eggs (recipe follows)

    Cup cakes or Petite Cheesecakes (recipe follows)

    Party-Size Hero Sandwich

    (Feel free to add, subtract, or substitute meats & cheeses.  Also, you can have pickles, peppers & onions on the side for those that wish to add them to their portion.)  Serves about 10

    2 long French loaves (1 to 1-1/2 pounds each)

    3 to 4 tablespoons mayonnaise

    3 to 4 tablespoons mustard of your choice

    6 ounces sliced ham

    6 ounces thinly sliced dry salami (plain or pepper coated)

    6 ounces sliced mortadella

    6 ounces thinly sliced mild or hot coppa

    8 ounces sliced Edam, mild Gouda or Jack cheese

    1 large or 2 small tomatoes, sliced

    Lettuce leaves, either tender or crisp

    Split the loaves lengthwise; spread the bottom halves with mayonnaise, the top halves with mustard.  Arrange the meats in even layers on the bread bottoms, in the order given (alternating lighter & darker colors, lighter & denser textures).  Fold the meats as necessary so they don’t hang out too much & try to make the thickness of each layer as even as possible from end to end.  Top the meats with a layer of cheese then tomatoes & lettuce, then the tops of the loaves.  Cut crosswise into sandwiches, or set out whole or half loaves on a long cutting board with a knife.

    Asparagus Parmesan Potato Salad

    2 pounds red potatoes

    1 bunch asparagus

    ½ medium red bell pepper (seeded & chopped)

    2 tablespoons fresh parsley (washed, patted dry, chopped fine & packed into spoon)

    3 tablespoons fresh basil (washed, patted dry & chopped)

    ½ cup fresh lemon juice (approx. 2 lemons worth)

    ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

    ¼ teaspoon paprika

    1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

    4 ounces shredded Parmesan cheese (or to taste)

    Place red potatoes in large pot, add water to cover.  Bring pot to boil & cook until potatoes are tender but not mushy (about 20-30 minutes).  (Or microwave to cook & then cool & chill.)

    Cut asparagus into 1 inch pieces and steam until crisp tender.

    Cool potatoes completely.  Peel potatoes (if desired) & dice.

    Place cooled potatoes & asparagus in large mixing bowl.  Add the red pepper, parsley & basil.  

    Whisk lemon juice, olive oil, paprika & balsamic vinegar in a small bowl.  Pout over potato mixture & toss well.  Season with Parmesan cheese, salt & pepper to taste.

    Make 8+ servings

    Deviled Eggs

    4 hard boiled eggs

    ¼ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

    1 tablespoon mayonnaise

    1 teaspoon lemon juice

    Speck of mustard

    Few grains of salt

    ½ teaspoon onion, finely chopped (or onion salt)

    Cut eggs lengthwise.  Remove yolks.

    Mash yolks & blend with remaining ingredients.

    Stuff egg white with this mixture, heaping tops generously.

    Wrap stuffed halves separately in squares of plastic wrap or waxed paper.


    2 (8 oz) cream cheese, softened

    3/4 cup sugar

    2 eggs

    1 Tablespoon lemon juice

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    24 vanilla wafers

    1 can (1 pound, 5 ounces) cherry (or blueberry) pie filling

    Beat cream cheese, sugar, eggs, lemon juice & vanilla until light and fluffy.  Line regular muffin pans with cupcake papers (or the foil ones are really pretty); place a vanilla wafer in each and fill 2/3 full with cream cheese mixture.

    Bake at 375 for 15-20, or until set.  Cool & top each with about 1Tb. of pie filling and chill.

    Makes about 2 dozen

    Have fun  congratulations on a job well done!  (Graduating!)

  4. First off Congrats!  My little brother is graduating this year as well, tears me apart!!!  We (my family) will be doing all of the food:

    BBQ Pork

    Cheesy Party Potatoes

    Deviled Eggs

    Potato Salad

    Seven Layer Salad

    Macaroni Salad

    Pasta Salad

    Meat Tray

    Veggie Tray

    Fruit Tray

    Baked Beans

    Scalloped Potatoes

    Cheese Balls

    2 kinds of Taco Dip

    Chips and Dip

    Chips and Salsa

    Cake and Punch nuts, mints

    Meatballs w/bbq

    Meatballs w/spaghetti sauce

    Little Cocktail Wieners

    Cole Slaw

    That is all I can think of right now.......Congrats!

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