
What foods should one eat when fasting?

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I need foods i can eat before i fast that will make me feel fuller and have more energy during the day.Also what foods to eat when breaking the fast that will help me out?




  1. i always eat alot of food  

  2. Same as distance runners PASTA.

  3. carbs. whole grain has more fiber, which makes it more filling: bread, pasta, cereal, oatmeal, rice.

  4. Foods high in fiber can help you feel full for a while until your body digests it and your stomach is empty.

    If you can take supplements while you are fasting, you might want to look into trying pectin for fullness and spirulina for energy.

    When you break a fast, you should introduce foods slowly. Tea with crackers or Bland, watery veggie soup is good with crackers.

    There are books on fasting, perhaps you should read up on it before you begin.  Fasting can be beneficial to your body, but it can be harmful just the same.

  5. Eat things with pure energy in them.

  6. well - fasting is not eating foods - it lets your digestive system rest

    so some do water only for a day or two

    some do a juice fast - if you do not have a juicer - V8 with low sodium is good

    I actually went 9 days and was on a spiritual 'high'

    I quit to eat at a 'carry in' dinner at church - and our ladies

    know how to cook - - - - - but nothing tasted good

    so when you come off your fast - go easy - like jello

    or broth soup - - got to get started up again -

    and great probiotics like yogurt with active cultures

    to get the right stuff in control of your digestive system

    new diet - breakfast like a Queen/King

    lunch like a Princess/Prince

    dinner like a pauper -

    so for breakfast  - an egg with breakfast meat

    fruit for break - (away from the main meal)

    5 veggies during the day - - (or fruits)

    and drink your water!

    all the best

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