
What football do think is better AFL(Aussie rules) rugby, grid iron or soccer?

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i myslef love aussie rules, don't understand soccor myself, don't mind grid iron, see it enough on movies.




  1. AFL-for me is the best game in the world

    RUGBY-i enjoy watching storm and any international rugby union

    SOCCER-terrible game,would prefer to watch the grass grow

    GRID IRON-???????who gives a $h!t about it

  2. AFL to watch, soccer to play

  3. 1 AFL

    2 Rugby Union

    3. Soccer

    4 Grid iron (yeah I mainly see it on movies)

  4. Well you can't go wrong with any of them - I enjoy them all.  But if I had to pick my preference in order:

    Soccer - Go Corinthians!

    Australian football - Go Magpies!

    American football - Go Broncos!

    Rugby - Go Highland!

  5. aussie rules for sure

    gridiron is a worry

    we play same game and it is rugby

    we have no padding

    they have so much padding they cant move

    i think they are a lil soft

    if u know what i mean

  6. Soccers good... but boring too watch.

    So AFL i say!!   --  fun to watch    :P

  7. I love Aussie Rules, but I've played it, Union, League, Soccer and even one game of 'rubbish gridiron'.  

    My favourite to play is Union.  True American Football can have a lot of suspense and can be great to watch if it's close.  Soccer .... well 90 minutes gone it's not unusual to be 0-0 (and even have a game decided by who can do the prettiest dive (hey Italy?)).

    Hard to say one is better than the other - but soccer really can drive me batty!

    GFC-b, agree mostly but I'm not convinced that some of these collisions in Rugby aren't just as big as the Gridiron.  Some few of the collisions in Aussie Rules are up there with the top of any sport.   I think the difference is more that a defensive forward makes a tackle on every play!  That's gotta hurt after a while.  Your dimesions mentioned are roughly those of Barry Hall, Tony Lockett or Steve Menzies I would think.

  8. to watch afl to play toss up between afl and soccer

  9. 1. Gridiron; 2. Aussie Rules; 3. Rugby league; 4. Rugby union; sorry, soccer doesn't even deserve to be in this poll.

    DJ downunder, what kind of weeds are you smoking? Here is what you wrote about gridiron,

    "we have no padding

    they have so much padding they cant move

    i think they are a lil soft

    if u know what i mean"

    Obviously, you do not understand COLLISIONS. American football is a COLLISION sport. So much padding they can't move? Tell that to the quarterbacks. runningbacks and receivers in pro and college football when a 6-foot-5, 260 pound linebacker that can run 40 yards in 4.4 seconds hits them with a force similar to a car into a brick wall.

    That is not soft, just ask all the gridiron old-timers that can't walk, knees and hips replaced, addicted to pain killers. American football is played in pain, everyday, all day. It is really a sport that the human body cannot withstand.

    If you can see some American football on television, watch the collisions, then go stand on the freeway and see how getting hit by a truck at full speed feels like.


  11. 1. AFL for sure...always different, exciting, 1 sport in AFL according to attendance - go Collingwood!

    2. NFL beats NRL...but it is very time consuming with all the starting and stopping

    3. NRL is fast but gets extremely repetitive

  12. Well in my family its a mix between rugby league and afl.

    They are both excelent sports but what i find makes them different is this:

    Although you do still scream at the tv alot afl is not a very good tv sport- its way better to watch live and at the game because theres so much off the ball action.

    NRL is a tv sport but not a live sport i dont know why but on the tv it is just more exciting!

    Dont get me wrong i love both sports i just cant decide which is better!

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