
What football player past or present best describes you?

by Guest63738  |  earlier

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I'm like Joe Morris of the New York Giants...he was elusive and could hide,but when he comes out in the open he's dangerous. Who are you like?




  1. I'm like Bill Romanowski, a tireless work ethic

  2. I play left tackle and I look up to all of these players. I try to play like them as much as possible.

    Past- Gary Zimmerman, Anthony Munoz and Jonathan Ogden (retired in the off season so I think that counts as past)

    Present- Joe Thomas

  3. whoever the third string qb is for the bengals. this is b/c i like to sit on my **** and contribute nothing.

    ....oh yeah, and carson palmer b/c sometimes i like to act like i know what im talking about.  

  4. John Elway I liked the way he never stayed down when knocked down he got back up. He never quit or disbelieved it was over he was confident in his team and himself. And there use to be times in my life no matter how many times i was rejected, knocked down told its too late I fought my way back. To accept defeat is no rewards in life. To believe in ones self that you can do anything you set your heart to do and win is one helluva accomplishment.. John the come back kid Elway did it and so did I !!!!!

  5. I am like Larry Johnson, because steamroll guys twice my size and are pretty fast.

  6. phil simms

  7. Chuck Norris because everytime I m********e an asian baby gets kicked in the face.

  8. Deion Sanders hahaha

  9. Brett Favre, because i am carefree like he is. And i'm a JV QB.

  10. i would be like hines ward... hes a possesion receiver like me and every time he makes a catch he smiles..

    and for qb i would say david carr. im a mediocre qb but i can make accurate passes and david can run for the first down

  11. wes welker..

    i'm quick, great hands, i run solid routes and i'm a small and white.

  12. Barry Sanders or Gale Sayers

    I watched there videos and i knew right away that they are the two that resemble me most and have the same running style like me.

    They can make a game light up, they have many good runs.

    Quick legs, they know how to cut, and also they always know which way to go and always have the right route.

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