
What football positon should i play?

by Guest34179  |  earlier

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i am large and slow, but i cant be tackled easy, and i am great at tackling, I am not Bad at catching




  1. Play Line is fun, when your good at it., expecially O line, play Any O-line position.

  2. Defensive Tackle! Just close holes and tackle the running back.

  3. right guard since you r large and slow...

  4. i would say offensive or defensive tackle

    if u were more trained at  catching i would say tight end

  5. Tightend at most.

  6. I think you should play either offensive tackle or defensive tackle, either plug some holes and crack some heads, or open the holes for running backs!  

  7. I would say left field.

  8. Oh yeah you should definatly work in the concession stand.

  9. I guess it really depends on you're body type.  I played the O-line in high school and it really was a blast.  There's nothing quite as satisfying as knocking some D tackle on his back and letting your RB cruise in for the TD.  Trust me, RBs notice when you make their job easy and they love you for it.  

    That said if you worked on your speed a little you could try fullback.  Lots of teams utilize a powerback in short yardage situations or to keep the defense honest.

    If you want to play defense try DT.  Plug the holes and make some sacks when you can.  When you get the QB on the ground be sure to scream "SACKED LUNCH!  NUM NUM NUM!" as loud as you can.  Lol it's funny as h**l and actually psycs the other team out.  I used to do it when I played LB.

  10. i would say Defensive Tackle or Guard

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