
What form of contraception is better?

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The Pill.


What Are The Side Effects To Them? And Do You Still Have Your Period?




  1. I don;t know your age but usually doctors don't allow long term birth control for someone that is very young. I strongly recommend the Mirena IUD. It is placed in the uterus and lasts for five years. It is hormonal so it will eventually either shorten your cycle or cocompletely stop it. The way this one works os that it thins the lining of uterus so that even in the vent that there was conception it would not attach to the uterus wall. (your ovaries are still producing eggs) The side effects are like those of any hormonal birth control... headache, nausea, spotting.. but it is rare. Hope this helped :)  Oh I have also taken the pill and it was just not for me, s*x drive became non-existent! I was moody, and it sucks to have to remember to take the pill every night!

  2. I would deffinatly say the implant. It's simple and depending on which one you go with it is put in once a month or there is that newer one that stays in for like 3 years. This option can cause your periods to be lighter or possible even skip a few periods.

    The pills is the second beast option. You just take one once a day. This one will help regulate your periods, reduce cramps, and usually make your periods lighter. Other side effects could be nausea, weight gain, headaches.....usual side effects that usually come with any med.

    The injection  I would not suggest at all. Yes it is conveint to get a shot once every 3 months and can completely eliminate your period but it has awful side effects. When you go off you might no get your period back for months to years or you could end up like me and have your period non stop for 4 months straight. This on can also cause weight gain, redness or irrtation at the injection site, nausea and so on.

    So out of those 3  options I would go in this order....implant, pill, then injection. Always keep the injection as a last option.  

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