
What form of martial arts,would be easiest to learn for someone?

by Guest59741  |  earlier

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who has recently lost 50 lbs,but is not in the best of shape,but wants to be in better shape,and is also fun.




  1. taekwondo...

    because taekwondo lost me 1 lbs every session.

  2. Activate your suicide bomb and bear-hug your opponent

  3. LOL  for saying Judo is easy to, thats the first time i've ever heard that.

  4. muay thai. simple system. can learn everything is a few months. Then, you just concentrate on perfecting the techniques. work on sparring, power, speed, times, conditioning of body, shin, and so ..on.

    Very effective style. lots of realistic sparring. full use of kicks, punches, and elbows.  Fast to learn effective to use.

    Set back. This style is a low skill, high power requirement. which mean once you get older and slower, you won't be able to complete with the young guys because you will be lack in power and skill level is not enough to overcome the power of the younger guys.

    a more skill based style, where a skill can overcome power, go for wingchun (sticky hand), southern praying mantis (stick hand and iron shirt). A high skilled based martial art, as you get older, your power may become lower, but your skill level keeps on going up and up, and there power will not be able to over your skill.

  5. tai kwon do. Its very easy to get into and loads of fun and really good for your health and overall physique.

  6. Krav Maga was design for people to .learn quickly.  And it has no forms.

  7. first of all, i think you should continue on toning your body before you may potentially harm yourself by doing martial arts.  

    You can try judo.  It uses center of gravity and uses other peoples body weight against them.

  8. I have been in MA for about 18 years.  I would probably say Tae Kwon Do would be the easiest.   It is considered a modern form and it basically evolved from many other forms. They kept the so called "important" things for self defense.  If you want to get into the spiritual side of the sport then Tae Kwon Do would not be the best pick, but if you want self defense and exercise then go with Tae Kwon Do.

  9. Probably Judo or Bartitsu.

    Tai Chi LOOKS easy but it takes a lot of work!

    Depends on what you mean by "learn"...

    BIG difference between getting a smattering

    of the basics and becoming a master!

  10. Krav-Maga

  11. If the martial art is taught to it's full extent, there are no easy ones to learn. BUT, there are some martial arts that have become popular all around the world, and therfore the ideals have benn stretched. Karate and Tae-kwondoe are prime examples. You will find many tkd and karate schools that are just intent on making money, but you will also find ones that do teach you things. Your best bet will be to find a serious TKD or Karate school, as most schools of these martial arts will vary in intensity.

    MMA is another one that has extremely good work-outs, but is fairly simple. Although, mma is one that you want to be pretty decent shape going into, and you have to be ready to take a hit.

  12. hey friend, i got into  karate and jui jitsu after putting on 50lbs due to poor diet and no exercise. The aerobic natuire of jui jitsu helped me get aerobically fit. The anaerbic nature of karate helped me build stamina. The overall rise in activity level coupled with  good dietry  management and support  helped me lose weight.

    having trained extensively now in a variety of martial; arts those run by thugs who like to beat you  up in the name of fitness i would avoid.

    if you a relativelyu  flexible have no  spinal injuries either cervical or lumbar then brazillian ju jitsu would help you heaps as well as karate.

    you  choose you know your body.

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