
What form of martial arts is the best for sword contact?

by Guest31994  |  earlier

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I would like to be a sword bearer. and i would also like know which type of martial arts is the best for it.




  1. What do you want to use it for? Kendo (in my experience ) does have a lot of contact but since it’s digressed into the realm of sport it stresses reshiki (manners) and not realistic things to do with a sword. Which leads me to ask; what kind of sword and what are you planning to do with it? I’m all about defining martial goals. It really does lead you to exactly the art and instructors you’re looking for. I think Kempo_jujitsu77 is right in that you might try medieval re-enactment groups. Lots of contact there, lots of different weapon types. Some of them even move at real combative speed and hit with lots of force.

  2. if you want real contact....kendo. if you just want to go through the motions...kenjutsu...iaido...many others.

    you might also consider western fencing.

    there are also some re-enactment groups teaching midievel martial arts.

  3. Hi.


    Two Japanese sword styles that have contact are Kendo and Kenjutsu.

    Kendo is a sport and uses bamboo practice swords called Shinai. This style is sometimes referred to as Japanese fencing.

    Kenjutsu is a more comprehensive Japanese sword art that teaches techniques against a variety of weapons. Contact is made in a variety of sparring sets that use Bokuto (practice wooden samurai swords often called 'bokkens' in America). You will also learn techniques using a real sword as you become more advanced.

    Japanese styles like Iaido and Iaijutsu probably won’t have contact but are still very respectable sword arts.


    In European fencing you will make plenty of sword to sword contact however this style is a sport.

    As others have suggested, medieval re-enactment groups are also an option if you can find one.


    Many styles of Kung Fu have a great deal of training with swords (primarily the broad sword and straight sword). Of these some will have sword on weapon (another sword, spear, etc...) contact. You will have to visit these schools and ask them what kind of weapons training they do to see if it's what you want to do as that type of training may not be inherently taught.


    I hope this helps and good luck finding a place to train :)

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