
What form of welfare do you see most often abused?

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I know of 4 girls that have had babies paid for by Medicaid, three are living with the guys and are not planning on getting married, plus getting their EBT cards (food stamps) and one is married, husband self employed and not claiming any income a $150,000 home and getting EBT....that makes me sick.




  1. I don't get angry about much, but this subject really gets under my skin because of the way people abuse the system, and that our government hasn't done anything to get control of the dead a$$es that refuse to get jobs.  I'm sick and tired of working my butt off to support them! I think the government should put a limit on welfare to 6 months tops.  The person would be granted the 6 months ONLY if they passed a drug test.  I really can't go into depth because my answer will be too long to post.

    Addition:  According to  Usque Ad Mare's answer, does anyone else believe that he or she may be be an abuser?

  2. I think it is abused by those who will not work, but stay high on crack and let the little ones fend for themselves.This will make you cry. Yet we keep putting politicians right back into office that close their eyes to these tragedies. I would love the the government demand every American to report any case they know of and every case be investigated. It would not stop it all, as  a cheaters always find a way to cheat no matter what you do. But they sure could makes some waves and get some of it stopped. I don't have a problems with those who really need it But the free loaders really tee me off.  

  3. Electronic Food Cards (or whatever they are).  I've seen people use the cards and walk out of the store, talking on their cell and getting into a really nice car.  Ironic, isn't it.

  4. In Canada, by far the worst is unemployment. I've lost count of the people I know who get (or have gotten) unemployment when they are either working under the table or just work summer construction jobs and sit on their *** the rest of the year, not even bothering to look for another job. Or there are also the ones who use any little injury, ache and pain as a reason for unemployment... people make me sick.  

  5. I firmly believe there needs to be some serious reform in all these types of programs. This is a serious problem that the tax payers in this country are paying for. I think the first thing they should do is require random drug tests for anyone on these programs. I also believe that people who are on these programs need to do some type of work while on these programs. Then they need to do better research on the recipients on these programs to make sure they qualify in the first place.

  6. Medicaid and food stamps are the most often abused in my neck of the woods.  

    *Usque - are you serious?  You sound like you are all for the nanny state.  I have a right to hold a grudge against lazy good-for-nothing sponges that take money from hardworking tax payers because they "don't know any better."  Come on, get real.

  7. I don't know... probably food stamps.  Since I've been as productive as I've been I now live in a nice neighborhood with few or no deadbeats floating around in grocery stores, but I have vivid memories of obese food stamp recipients with premium food in their carts while I bought the Top Ramen at 10 for a buck.

  8. I know someone that put on a Halloween party - paid for all the food with an EBT card.  

  9. i think the gov has to seriously crack down on benefits, and after the second baby benefits should not increase, also people like that should be put to work, the gov should make them do jobs and in return they get foodstamps  

  10. I think it is more important to police the welfare system then to abolish it all together like Republicans want.

  11. If you consider abuse as the most money out of our pockets (the public).  Corporate tax breaks are a form of welfare and by far the biggest abuse of our tax dollars.

  12. Corporate tax cuts and bail outs.  These execs make obscene amounts of money then cry to the government during a downturn.  How about living on a reasonable salary and putting money back into the business like most American business owners have to?


  14. How about living with your babies daddy who is a drug dealer. Getting full welfare and food stamps. Going to college on welfare, having all tuition and books paid for as well as transportation and day care. Graduate, remain on welfare, still living with the drug dealer, still getting full welfare and only about 25 yrs. old with no disability to prevent her from working. Then there is medicade-too lazy to make a doctors appointment, so go to the emergency room for a common cold, scratch, boil, sore ankle, etc. and take an ambulance there. This costs the taxpayers 10 times what a doctor visit would cost. Get any kind of medication you want unlike the insured who have to accept generic drugs. Dont pay a co pay at the ER like the insured have to pay. And should the hospital send you a bill, just toss it in the trash, unlike the insured who would have a judgement placed against them. The abuse is far and wide, and the system seems to encourage it.

  15. The thing with these people that abuse various forms of welfare is that they simply don't know any better.  Otherwise they wouldn't do it.

    Believe me, you wouldn't want to trade places with any of them, so it's best not to resent these people.  

    Nobody who's truly happy in their life goes around grudging about how some people abuse the system.

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