
What former president most represents the american dream?

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And why do you think so?




  1. Abraham Lincoln

    Grew up in poverty...mother died at 10, father left at 8...struggled with poverty, but worked hard.

    Served in conflict (Black Hawk War) and overcame many discouraging political defeats.  But he wouldn't give up.

    Proved that anyone with enough heart, soul, integrity, ambition, preparation, and stick-to-it-iveness can lead America with distinction.

  2. President Clinton - he proves that the American people are forgiving, even when you bang your intern.  ;o)

  3. President Ronald Reagan. He revived the economy, won the cold war, made us proud to be Americans again, and inspired us to be great. The US had the largest peacetime economic expansion in our history.

  4. Reagan

  5. First, one has to establish what the American dream is.

  6. George Washington due to the fact that he laid a lot of the foundation for what he thought America should gravitate towards, after he left.

    Although most of his warnings and advice were not followed.

  7. FDR

    He helpd rebuild this country.

  8. The Great Ronald Wilson Reagan.

  9. Teddy Roosevelt because he never ordered anyone to do anything he was afraid to do himself. He started the National Forests. He fought against corruption and really cleaned lots of it up. His inaugural speech didn't inlude the word I, just us, and we.

  10. Franklin D Roosevelt. He rose up during the great depression at a time when we needed hope of the american dream the most. He stimulated the economy and made the new deal. He lowered unemployemyent by giving out jobs that most wouldnt even think of. Also he was elected four times, which i know could never happen again but even at that time it was pretty amazing

  11. JFK.He was just soooo pure,and a great person.He wasnt a government puppet like Bush.It's a shame he's gone

  12. Ronald Wilson Reagan

  13. George Washington...the first president. He was part of the group that helped set the foundation for this country. He had a REAL American dream that was written out (Constitution) to be followed....not for politicans and society to interprut the way they want to benefits themselves.

  14. Ronaldo Magnus.  Ronald Reagan.  Not many presidents before him and NONE since have made Americans more proud and have confidence that we all can achieve the American dream.  He loved America and believed in it's people and he made it clear in about every speech he ever made.

  15. Eisenhower


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