
What formulation of fertilizer do you use on plumerias?

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I have many different ones for many different uses. A superbloom, rose, tomatoe, houseplant (20-20-20 and 10-15-10 and some others) and other different formulas for getting my african violets to bloom. I also have fertilizer for acid loving plants like azalea, rhododentron and hydrangea. Which formulation would be best. Should I use one to promote growth when the leaves are growing and then switch to a more flower friendly formula? Their growing and blooming season is short until I get my green house. I live in US garden zone 6 and have to bring them inside the house for dormancy from early November through about May. Actually, all I have right now are 1st year rooted cuttings. May 3 year, which has bloomed in the past, got a bit of root rot and I had to cut it and reroot it and think I've lost it. Oh well....




  1. Of course you can always purchase some fertilizer at the home and garden stores, but Wonder finds that the homemade kind works best.

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