
What fps will I get on WoW / World of Warcraft with this computer- Answer please :D?

by  |  earlier

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These are some of the computer's specs ( it's a desktop by the way not a laptop )

-Processor: Intel quad core Q6600

-RAM: 3gb DDR2

-Hard drive: 500gb SATA

-Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 9600 gt (512mb)

-19" monitor.

It's from argos and all together to computer with the monitor is around £580 so it's not a really cheap piece of rubbish.





  1. Running on max settings you will probably get more than 70. Trust me, running WoW on this thing is NOT a problem. It will be fine no matter what settings you run.

  2. first one and at least over 70 but im not sure how many it will not be a problem u should have 0 lag and it should run perfectly

  3. First of all stick to the first one, second of all you'll get a minimum of at least thirty. World of Warcraft is nothing to that machine, run it on max detail. You should be more interested in how it'll handle Crysis. I believe Crysis includes a benchmark in the main menu, try it.

  4. You will be running WoW at 60 FPS with no problems at all. I'm a bit curious though, are you going to play any other PC games on the computer apart from WoW? If not, those specs are serious overkill for WoW.

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