
What free offline RPG do you recommend for PC?

by  |  earlier

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I've already asked the question above, but 4 answers just isn't good enough. I have played Morrowind, Oblivion, and Mass Effect(yes I like to think that one counts too). I need an offline because of the no-internet issue in 2 weeks and I also can't buy one because our money is going be tied up in moving.

So, enough with the Runescape already!!!! And again, don't even think of suggesting that crappy Charles Barkley thing.




  1. maple story... ragnorock... rose..

  2. I'm sorry I don't know of any free ones...but I DO know of a cheap one.   I'm going to suggest Fable.  I just got Fable: The Lost Chapters for $20 and it's a pretty cool game.  I'm not that far into it, but decent graphics, storyline, etc.  I got it at Gamestop, but I'm sure it's available elsewhere.

  3. How about Two Worlds or Neverwinter Nights 2

    Okay since you've played those as well why dont you get GOTHIC 3?Its a good RPG but with lots of bugs but you can get patches for it.or you can try Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2

  4. Do you mean free legally or... *gasp* illegal pirating?

    You can try this turn based strategy RPG-ish game, available free, called Vantage Master, from their website. It's old but pretty fun.

    not really RPG but a good time killer.

    you can also consider getting the Diablo 2 bundles blizzard kindly re-released as a brush-up to the upcoming (never-coming) Diablo 3.

    If you haven't played the Diablo series before, now would be a good time to try it out.

    Also, not TECHNICALLY an RPG, but you could try and find a copy of the famous RPG maker, which allows you to make your own RPG adventure, it's a bit complicated to operate but it's really rewarding to make your own 70hr long RPG.

    If you want free small sized games, check out

    they're the official site of the game maker program, and people who've made their games will often post them on the site for all to play. You'd have to filter through a lot of c**p though. There's sometimes gold in there though (don't trust their rating).

    Also, most play-worthy RPGs are available on consoles, you can get an original play station at the thrift store for 30 bucks, mod it for 10, and download a bunch of isos... but pretend I didn't say that.

    Lastly, if you are not internet equipped, you're screwed on the free department because 99.98541% of free content comes from the internet.

  5. [the elder scrolls Iv oblivion] you can get it for xbox 360 ps 3 and pc

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