
What free play means in child development?

by Guest55793  |  earlier

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Describr what the term "free paly" means and explain your rolr in free play and its value in child development.




  1. This basically means the Teacher sits back and observes and doesn't intervene in the play unless a problem errupts. They are free to go and play with whatever they please. Not a structured activity that produces an end product.

  2. frre play is leaving them to play with anything they want rather than structured play when you play with them fir example painting.your roll in free play is supervision.put all the toys out and let them play with anything they want.or to just run around.

  3. Freeplay means allowing children to learn through playing. This is how children develop their gross motor and fine motor skills. Allow them to play with whatever they choose.

  4. You give them choices ...Like in the classroom you have center, you hae free choice centers those could be play dough, the little home center, legos or blocks and then you call them one at a time and ask them where would they like to go..It is about choices, their choices.

  5. Children learn best through play, so it has tremendous value in the preschool classroom.  When they build with blocks, they learn to compare sizes and shapes and colors.  When they play with play dough, color with crayons, cut with scissors, and paint, they are developing fine motor skills and learning colors and freedom of expression.  In dramatic play, they are learning what it's like to be a doctor/mom/veterinarian/grocery store clerk, etc.  In all of their activities they are learning social skills.  The teacher should be a facilitator.  She helps them develop the ability to negotiate social situations and teaches them how to solve problems with materials.

  6. Children learn best when they have lots of opportunities to explore, interact with peers and make choices. Free play is not a free-for-all. In a good early childhood program children are free to move among many different activities ranging from block play to exploring art materials and from playing in the housekeeping area to doing puzzles and playing with lego.

         The adult has many rolls in free play. The first is to set up an environment with lots of interesting materials that encourage exploration and learning. The second is to be available to children who made need help with those materials or getting along in the group. The next is to be tuned in to what the kids are doing to help extend their play. If you notice they are playing fire fighter in the block area you can provide a vacuum cleaner hose and some fire hats. Another roll is to help kids with play problems-kids who don't know how to enter a group, kids who wander, kids who are rejected by the others. There are many more responsibilities. Free play can be the most important part of the day if the adults allow it to be.

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