
What free software can I use to play flv files on my own websites?

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What free software can I use to play flv files on my own websites?




  1. Flash Video plays on the CLIENT not the SERVER. So having software on your server does nothing. What you have to do is embed the flv files correctly on the pages that you want the videos to appear on and rely on the client browser having the correct plug ins. The link explains how.

  2. Just a free flv player. I am now using AUNsoft flv player and it works really

    well. With it, you can share any flv file on your websites. Also, there is many other bonus functions, sush as manually resizing the window, hanging over other windows, current screen saving,etc. You could visit:

    There is a step by step guide:

    Hope it could help you.

  3. Adobe Flash player.

  4. go to download and find avf flv free software

  5. RealPlayer

  6. if you want a "youtube-a-like" player on your web page then you could use FLV Player. the site has plenty of documentation so it shouldn't be too hard to set up.

  7. You could try converting them and if your worried about copyright just get a copyright protection software

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