
What free stuff do the poor get from the government?

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I am American.

I am now poor, my mom says we get free medical, food, and other stuff.

I just want to understand the extent of what I will get.


1. Are physicals free?

2. Where do they get their(gov) money?

3. How much medical is free?

4. Optical? Is there a limit or can yo spend what you want.

5. What happens when emergencies happen?

6. Cancer?

7. How do they pay for homes?(if they do.)




  1. They get to die in some country for no apparent reason! Of course they always have that option!

  2. medical,housing,food,utility assistance,the kist is endless...and will get more so if The Obama gets elected

  3. As a born American and taxpayer, you won't qualify for any of the freebies others get.

    1) Free healthcare

    2) Free food stamps

    3) Free Housing

    4) Free education

    5) Free government money to start your own business if you are an immigrant. (Dunkin Donuts is prime example)

    6) No income taxes for immigrants for the first 5 years I believe so they get a good financial start.

    7) All your questions will be taken care of if you are an illegal alien or immigrant. If you were born an American, forget it. You are just on the paying end and not the receiving end.

  4. I'll try to answer piojnt by point:

    1. Are physicals free?

    Yes - if you are a child and have gov't sponsored medical that covers children.

    2. Where do they get their(gov) money?


    3. How much medical is free?

    Eeverything if you're poor enough.  Or everything if you're a child (under 21 and living at home or in school.)

    4. Optical? Is there a limit or can yo spend what you want.

    You have to stay within the gov't set limits.

    5. What happens when emergencies happen?

    What kind of emergency?  Health?  Go to the doc - it's paid for.

    6. Cancer?

    7. How do they pay for homes?(if they do.)

    Poor enough and you receive some help toward your housing.  

  5. Obviously you have been lied to.  Only the people who exploit the system actually get benefits.  The working poor don't get anything that you have listed here. It's only those who don't work, stay at home and watch Jerry Springer, namely rednecks and ghetto people.

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