
What freedoms are you willing to give up to gain security?

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If security is just an illusion, why would you give up any freedoms?




  1. I'm willing to have a secure border and obtain a passport to travel in and out of the country. That passport needs to have a computer chip and be hard to counterfeit.

    I'm willing to be issued a SSN that contains my thumbprint.

    I'm willing to show my documents to conduct any government business or banking.

    Ben Franklin and all the other dead patriots didn't live in a country with 20 million illegals and terrorists willing to fly planes into buildings.

    Times have changed

    There is lots more I'm willing to do

  2. It doesn't seem like your question truly seeks an answer.  The second question just doesn't seem in harmony with the first.

    To answer the first, I would give up no freedom to gain security, for therein lies the fallacy.  Freedom is the only security I can afford, and should I use that freedom well, I may receive other securities.  Freedom begets security, so should you lose a little freedom you loose a little security.  It is the fundamental basis behind our great country.  Our freedoms and liberties should in theory keep us safe from oppressive Government (that subject alone is a whole other talk show).  The freedoms lend power to the government which lends power to security, and the loss of freedom as I have stated is a loss off security.  

    Security is no more an illusion that freedom from England was back in the days leading up to the Revolution.  It seemed like an illusion, but as those who believed in the principle showed that in order to gain security you must fight for it, and it is in direct corollary with the point above.  They fought for freedom which provided the security they sought.  

    IF we seek security we must invariably follow their footsteps and fight for freedom, and not be so apathetic.  We must shake of f the tendency to bury our head in the sands and assume that those who have the sacred trust of leadership are indeed operating with the best interests of freedom in mind.  I dare say they are exercising the opposite at this point.  We hold no one accountable for the responsibilities we have been given.  As a society we have to hold ourselves somewhat accountable for the state we are in because either our action or our inaction are a key factor.  It is the nature and disposition of almost all men that when they get a little authority as they suppose that they will immediately begin to exercise improper dominion.  And who is to stop them if we won't?  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â˜The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing.’  

    Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are ours, and should the government be in anyway counterproductive to those ends, we must be willing to fight for it and either fight for the changes to occur to restore them or fight to rid ourselves of the entity that is denying us those rights.

  3. None, to paraphrase Ben Franklin "those who are will to surrender precious liberties for a little temporary security deserve neither Liberty nor Security"

  4. Any fool who will give a hairs breath of freedom for security deserves neither. I will give up none.

    Personally I am a great believer in personal responsibility forget the courts and the police. Everyone who had the right to vote has the responsibility to help enforce the laws that result from their decision either to or not to vote.

  5. Those who are willing to sacrifice a little freedom for security will soon find they have neither!

    Sir Winston Churchill 1940

  6. Not one. Ever. Final answer.

  7. that is a loaded question for sure, it depends, what are you willing to do to protect your family? anything right? but as a policy there has to be a balance between doing what we have to do to keep safe and not being stupid, it also has to protect liberties and freedoms.

  8. We Americans are willing to give up a lot of our freedoms in exchange for security.

    We do this all the time by letting our government do whatever they want and take away whatever rights of ours they want in the name of keeping us safe from terrorists.

    I can't even remember what the last one of our rights that was taken away was called.  My grandfather assures me it's one I didn't need and won't miss anyway.

  9. Not a god d**n single one since what you are really trading is independence for dependence on those that 'secure' you.  Also you may want to ask the Russians about given the state the ability to 'secure' you against itself.

  10. noe of my freedoms shall be forfeited

  11. Security can be more than just an illusion as a program to train the entire American populace to disarm bombs or a program to do so everywhere to do the same could provide it.

    All without loss of freedom. Other things can be done to make a nation more secure which is to have people make their own money. Were people to each have a separate currency according to trade like say a currency for welders, mill workers, office workers, and such it would remove the risk of counterfeiting Government Money by criminals  for the reason instead of counterfeiting criminals  could just make their own money. Why counterfeit when you can create your own legal currency. Why rob when you can create your own currency. Thus the nation becomes more secure. Also electronic money instead of Trojan Horses and Email Scams.Why is it Con Artists con people out of their money when they could make their own currency with the same amount of effort put into a scam.

  12. " those who would surrender their freedom for security deserve neither" - Ben Franklin

    you should also read his piece " the sunshine patriot"

    NOTHING is worth giving up our freedom but christians let bush take as much as he could get away with.

  13. none.  it's a false trade off.  if you give up freedoms, you get LESS security.

  14. Absolutely none. No further explanation necessary.

  15. None "give me liberty or give me death"

  16. How?

    Decode this lyrics " I swear"

    When all the young one all swear with " Over my dead body"

    Living in misery with the missing link in the generation gap.

    Without Code of Honour of the Ten Commandments.

    In honouring and worshiping God.

    In doing the work of God.

    For the good of mankind.

    To make this world a better place to live.

    In the creation of peace on earth goodwill to men in time.

    After getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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