
What freedoms does America have that England does not?

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What do the British miss out on? Because as I see it now, Britian is just as good as America, with less violence.

thanks for any answers :)! x




  1. In America,decent,honest people can own guns.

    In England it sometimes seems that only criminals have this right!

  2. When Britain gets 301 million people we'll talk.  We have fewer taxes, more real estate, and less cameras.   We can travel to our next state and they still speak English, we can travel to the next country to the north and they speak English there too.   I'm happy you enjoy your country, you should.  just don't try to take away from mine to justify your loyalty.

  3. America doesn't have any freedom. It sucks here, I'd much rather live in the UK.

  4. They're missing out on cheaper gas and people whining about it getting expensive. In England, gas prices are about 1.3 pounds per liter, or about $9 US dollars per US gallon.

    By the way, you could ask the same question about a lot of countries, not just England.

  5. The right for the government to spy on us.

    They aren't missing anything.

  6. The British miss out on freedom of speech, believe it or not. The press over there is reduced to scaremongering and trashy "celebrity" "scoops", because otherwise, they'll be sued for libel.

    The explosion of gun and knife crime is putting to rest the lie that it's safe there too.

  7. The freedom to get health care when I need it?  It's not free and rarely cheap, but it's easily accessible and with little to no waiting.

  8. America has the freedom to prostitution, only on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada though.

  9. In the USA, we are free to hire illegal workers and exploit the c**p out of them

  10. The biggest freedom that we have that they don't have is that they aren't allowed individual ownership of firearms.

    And they can't print or say impolite things or make distastful art about the royalty.

    So, in a nutshell, you can't talk bad about the powers that be, and if you do, you have no way of stopping them kicking in your door.

    But, rest your pretty little head, if we don't get real industrious, we will continue our own slide toward communism and we'll be just as "safe" as our cousins across the pond.

  11. the bill of rights. 1, 2nd amendments

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