
What fresh water fish could i get in a 66 litre/ 18 gallon tank?

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i have a baby oscar in there at the moment but i was looking on yahoo answers and every one says my tank is to small 4 an oscar i was just going to keep it till it got big but now i thought thats a bit cruel so what other cool fish could i get in there instead please help me.




  1. For an 18 gallon tank u could get lots of fish, for example: schools of platys, mollies, guppies or swordtails. Or u could get some angels, goldfish and some bettas. An 18 gallon tank is suitable for all this fish. U could get some live or plastic plants for decoration, or maybe some rocks. The fish i included above is suitable for the tank.

    PS: Ur oscar fish isnt suitable soon it will outgrow the aquarium so try to put it in a larger aquarium. For more information search the internet on fish care.

  2. Sword fish, Angel fish, Molly's, Goldfish, Guppies, just to name a few.

  3. I currently have an 18g tank with black kuhlie loaches, aka java loaches, rummynoses and juvinile guppies. Once the guppies have matured and move to tanks of friends, I was thinking of adding some neons or cardinal tetras. Possibly a betta, or a sorority (a community of female bettas). I wouldn't reccomend angelfish for an 18g. I had 3 young angels a while ago and they outgrew the tank in 2 months! The common livebearers, such as mollies, platies and the previously mentioned guppies should do very well in an 18g. I would steer clear of swordtails, though. If you get multiple males they can become quite aggressive towards each other. If you get a male and a few females you will have many of unwanted fry on your hands. Male endler's livebearers are closely related to guppies and should do fine in a tank of that size.

    If you were hoping to own a particular fish, feel free to email me and I will try my best to give you some information on the species and let you know if it's right for you.

    Good luck! :)

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