
What friendship qualities did Jesus show towards women in his time?

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What friendship qualities did Jesus show towards women in his time?




  1. Jesus spent time to teach wemen when in those days it was consider a waste of time to teach a woman any thing Martha and Mary the Samartan woman at the well

  2. he screwed a whorse.

  3. He helped out Mary Magdalene and they was buddies :D  

  4. When we look at how Jesus treated women, we discover the difference between the way God wants men to treat women and the way they were (and still are) treated by men in societies. The woman at the well is a prime example. When Jesus asked her for a drink, her first reaction was disbelief that he would even talk to her. When Jesus' disciples came back, they were surprised that He was talking to a woman. Jewish customs had become so legalistic that men (and especially rabbis) did not associate with women who were not their wives. Even now, orthodox Jewish men and women are prohibited from touching members of the opposite s*x.

    In contrast, Jesus touched many women and allowed them to touch Him as He healed them. Although this was in direct opposition to the customs of the time, it reveals the nature of the personal God who directly touches people's lives. Jesus was compassionate to sinners and ministered to prostitutes and adultresses. In a well-known example, some of the religious leaders brought a woman to Jesus who was "caught in the act of adultery." Obviously, the man involved in the adultery would have been there also, but they didn't bring him. As Jesus alluded to their own sins, the woman's accusers left. Jesus did not condemn the woman, but admonished her to leave her life of sin.

    Although all of Jesus' twelve disciples were men (there is good reason for this), there were a number of women who were loyal followers and who ministered to Him and His disciples. The gospels record that the women were the first to hear the news of Jesus' resurrection from the angels and the first to see Him (since the men had gone into hiding or back to their original jobs after Jesus was crucified). In contrast to the gentleness and kindness with which Jesus treated women, He reserved His more scathing comments for the arrogant male religious leaders of His time. These He labeled as "serpents," "brood of vipers," and "whitewashed tombs."

  5. he believed women were of equal value to men

  6. Have you ever read of the woman caught in adultery, the very act? Do you remember how Jesus responded to those hypocritical pharisees who brought her to Jesus? ave you read about the woman who anointed Jesus before His death? Do you remember what Jesus said to Judas when he rebuked her? There was another woman who also anointed Jesus- with her tears- and the pharisees were likewise rebuked. Do you recall who Jesus appeared to first after His resurrection? It wasn't a disciple, it was Mary Magdalene. How about the Samaritan woman at the well?

  7. He didn't like them getting stoned.  

  8. Jesus respected woman and he respect everybody.  

  9. Jesus valued women unlike men at the time. In Jesus' time, women were just like an item, expected to stay home and raise a family. They did not have any rights. Jesus loved women. Mary Magdalene was a sinner, but Jesus forgave all her sins and treated her as an equal. She was one of his most loved disciples. He always loved his mother Mary with all his heart. Jesus believed women deserved equal rights, and his parables were often told to women and children.

  10. Jesus shows compassion and befriended with the women....

    Example is he helped and love so much Maria Magdalene as her friend..

    HE spoke with a samaritan women and introduced himself as the messiah and christ directly for the first time..

  11. Mary was his patron so that he wouldn't have to work and be able to spread his word. Change the theme and it sounds like a hippy from the 60's looking for a free ride. Or with the now time he was a playa

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