
What frogs, toads, turtles, sallamanders, newts, and lizards should I get for my pond?

by  |  earlier

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my parents have a pond and are draining it cause it has a leak and water is leaking into the road. they said I can have whatever I want from there pond for my pond. we live very close to each other but they have all kinds of animals I only have green frogs and american toads. what do you think i should look for there? please don't talk about how they wot survive casuse that is where i got my current frogs and toads.




  1. Personally i would go with a turtle or 2 depending on the size of the pond.

  2. Sliders, cooter, painted, map, yellow bellied all are basically the same and require the same basic care. I have had my 2 slider  girls for 36 yrs. Plus an 8 and 5 yr old and now a 2 yr old adopted from this site.. Been in a pond for almost 7 yrs now.

    They also eat anyting that moves, tadpoles and frogs and crickets, and worms and crayfish...

    they need at least  a foot high fence all around the pond cause they do climb. They eat goldfish minnows and leafy greens need a basking area in the pond where they can sun for up to 10 hrs a gao, They will sleep in the bottom of the pond at night like they do in the wild to be safe away from predators..

    and they will be very happy! I wish you luck.

  3. sorry i may have flipped out unnecessarily

    are u moving the animals from one outdoor pond to another out door pond. because altho most of the animals will probably leave your outdoor pond at the first chance they get there shouldn’t be too much of an issue altho dont over crowd your pond and dont put animals from the pet store in there as they could be cative bred and have no real knowledge of how to survive in the wild or the could be non native/non local species that could effect the current local ecological system

    if u are planning to keep them as captives:

    keeping wild caught animals in captivity (as pets) is cruel immoral and environmentally reprehensible when a wild animal i removed from its natural environment and put in a confined space it causes massive amounts of stress. this affects herps (reptiles and amphibians) very badly worse than most other orders many die simply from the stress of being in captivity it also weakens there immune system meaning more die from disease. those that survive suffer from stress related behavior disorders, stress related illness and have a shortened life span. there quality of life is pretty bad too

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