
What frog(s) would be good?

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I am looking to kepp frogs but am doing some reaserch first. I have a few questions so here we go.What breed of frog would be good for beginners and how do you tell males from females? If I were to breed the how old would they have to be? When would I do it andhow do I know if there bred? Plus what do they eat?




  1. I can't answer any of your questions about frog breeding.  I do know that White's Tree frogs are wonderful frog pets. Fire belly toads are easy keepers, too. Pac Man frogs get big and will eat anything that fits in their will Whites Tree frogs. But Pac Man frogs will eat pinky mice when they get big. Whites don't get big enough for that but will do well on crickets. Fire belly toads, too. You might also want to look into Monkey Tree frogs.

  2. Kermit The Frog would be nice.

  3. dont listen to sillie

    ok some wild caught (WC) frogs just die im captivity no real reason it just happens add this the number that die from stress stress related disease then ur hitting quite a high number. also wc frogs have shortened lifespans stress related behavior disorders and tend to get ill easy. wc almost never have a good quality of life its cruel to the animal.

    Frogs arent as easy to keep as some people think, i dunno who this culture has emerged that thinks frogs are as easy to keep as fish but there not they require specific care

    finally disease and parasites are an issue. some frogs carry disease that can be passed onto humans but the main risk is to other frogs. when frogs are placed in a tank together disease can run writhe making both frogs ill and making for an unpleasant environment add this too there lowered immune system due to the stress of being snatched from the wild and u have a recipe for disaster

    all the others sugessted are good tho

  4. just get ones bye your local pond!!! i always catch them and there really easy!!!!!! there fine for begginers!!  

  5. i like my pacman frog. it eats crickets but people over charge for them. i bought mine for $12 some people charge 30.

  6. whites tree frogs for breeding as soonas they are full grown if yong to breed them have alot of water in it or they will not lay their eggs

  7. firebelly toads (which are actually frogs)

    they are quite easy to maintain and you can find them at your local petstore

    Also they make pellet food for them and you just put them in the cage

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