
What frozen food helps improve colour?

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i already have dried bloodworm's

and i have danios







  1. Brine shrimp, bloodworms (more so than mosquito larvae), krill, plankton

    Also check out this website for prepared foods that contain these:

    I feed my danios and gouramis frozen brine shrimp, supplemented with flake food and frozen peas and their colour is great!!

  2. try fresher blood worms... you should be able to find some that aren't dried. i used some that came in a plastic container that stored in the fridge, still soft and all, kinda gross but they came highly recommended

  3. bloodworms for sure

    and krill bepening how large the fish is..

    i suppose anything fortified with a vitamin suppliment (such as Hikari's Bio-Pure line of frozen foods)

    sadly those are just bland fish

    danios (im assuming zebras) CAE, and cories generally tend to be grey/brown in color and nothigns going to change that

    if you were to get some things like serpae tetras, harlequin rasboras, rainbowfish, or differnt tetras and killifish, etc.. then there'd be some real potential for color..

    the fish you have are generally just a mottled brown color, sorry

  4. I had frozen brine shrimp fed with something special that was supposed to be colour enhancing, it was expensive, I don't know if it made the fish look better but they enjoyed eating it

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