
What fruit and veg are best for you skin??

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What fruit and veg are best for you skin??




  1. Best fruit i would say is Black Grape, no:1 in anti oxidant.

    Veg hmmm i would say spinach

  2. Tomatoes...alledgedly.

  3. Anything high in Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C. These sorts of things are fleshy fruits, like peaches, mangos, etc, citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, spinach. Most fruit and vegetable are good for your skin tbh, as they contain at least one of these vitamins usually.

    I know they aren't fruit and veg, but lots of water and good amount of sleep are the single best things you can do for your skin. Tea is quite good too. Zinc, which can be found in milk, eggs, meat etc, is another important mineral for healthy skin. Generally, a good healthy diet and lifestyle will show in your skin.

    I hopes this helped, even though I am a guy, I just have lovely skin ;) lol (no im not g*y either)

  4. the fruits that are good are anything with vitamin c. lemons, strawberries, and tomatoes are really good. tomatoes are especially good when applied directly on your skin. let the tomato juice dry on your face and then rinse. this will make your skin smoother and dry up acne which will help keep skin clear. veggies that are good are any leafy green ones. like spinach and brocolli. you should also take vitamins with fatty acids, like fish oil and flaxseed oil. hope this helped =-]

  5. lemons; you should put lemon slices in a cup add boiled water and have this as your first drink of the day its a detox very good for the skin

  6. Different ones are better in different ways.

    If you have a diet rich in tomato, your skin will be better protected from the sun (was something about this on TV a while ago)

    I also read that cranberries and rasberries are good for skin that's prone to get spotty.

  7. papaya Papaya,Banana,Mango,Cherry,Kiwi,orange and apple

    i tell you think that all the fruits r good for health and skin

    so you can take any fruit and vegetable whatever it is.  Berries, such as blueberries, strawberries and blackberries are great for fighting against free radicals which can cause skin cell damage. Vegetables that are brightly colored such as red peppers, yellow peppers and sweet potatoes are also great skin foods.

    fruits and veggies high in Vitamin C and Vitamin E are your best bet.

    Strawberries, Apricots, Green, Red, and yellow peppers...etc

    and so is aloe vera and avocado

  8. Not sure about fruits and veggies, but I know that a teaspoon of coconut oil a day does wonders for your skin, hair and nails. do a search on google and check it out girl!

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