
What fruits and vegetables, if any, could be grown in a place that snows 365 days a year?

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  1. Snow peas?

  2. You can grow almost any fruits and vegetables as long as you do it in a green house.

  3. There are many crops that are very cold hardy and can take snow on them. But there are few if any plants that can germinate in frozen soils. Spinach, onions, leeks, kale and radishes can all germinate in cold soils (40F/5C) though germinate better in warmer soils. And these plants grow decently in cold conditions, though not as well as in warmer conditions.

    So I would say no, not really.

  4. well obviously snow peas grow in the snow, and there could be frostleberries somewhere in the world

  5. Most likely none outdoors.

    With the snow, likely too cold, frozen ground, not enough sunlight.

    However almost anything can be grown in a greenhouse.

    Heated and supplimental artificial lighting.

    esp. tomatos, roses.

  6. Iceberg lettuce.

  7. Any.

    All you need is energy. They have lots of greenhouses and even (indoor) tropical gardens on Iceland. Geothermal and hydroelectrical powerplants are the key. So it is not really  matter of what you can grow, you can pretty much synthesize any environment, it is how much. How much money can you spend on building artificial environments before simply importing becomes the cheaper option?

  8. lots of pea varieties will do reasonably well in the cold.  I live in northern ohio, and I  ALWAYS  plant peas on new year's day, even if I have to use my cordless drill to make holes one-at-a-time in the hard-frozen ground.

    Granted, only about 2/3 of them come up, but I am usually eating fresh peas by early march, about 2 months before you can even PLANT other crops/vegetables.

  9. People grow parsnips in the ground beneath snow.  I'm sure there's a lot of mulch involved.

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