
What fruits and vegetables can you feed crickets to gut load them?

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I recently got geckos and was feeding them crickets and I was wondering what fruits and vegetables there are available to feed them. I feed them store brand orange fruit cubes but I ran out and so did the store. What can I feed my crickets?




  1. You can go to petco and the have food that looks like gel its there water and a power for the food  cricets will not last longer than maybe a week if that they last longer if you buy the food just for crickets

  2. i use cucumber mainly  

  3. The best thing to feed crickets is a dry gutload.  The orange cubes are not good for them and provide poor nutrition.  I make my own gutload and also provide a shallow dish of water for them.  Veggies and fruits rot too quickly so I don't use them.   Here is a recipe:

  4. Fruits and veggies don't provide FOOD for the crickets, just water and very few nutrients.  You want to provide a high quality dry gutload that you should either buy from or made yourself, then you can provide slices of potato, carrot, etc. for water.  

    The link below will show you how to make your own food.


    Scan down to the 'feeding section:'

    ---"Enter the catch phrase 'gut-loading'. At VMS, we feed our crickets a wide variety of food items, mostly fresh vegetables and fruits. While this subject is far too large to be covered completely here, a partial list of items we feed includes: dry dog food, chick starter mash, oatmeal, bananas, apples, oranges, grapefruit, carrots, green beans, squash, zucchini, kale, spinach, cactus pads, and just about anything else we can think of. We usually provide the dog food and/or chick starter mash, along with kale at all times, rotating the other food times through in succession. Again, the key is variety. What you are trying to do is offer your geckos crickets with guts 'loaded' with fresh foodstuffs. Don't offer more crickets than the geckos will consume within a few hours, so you know the crickets will still be full of the good stuff when eaten.

    Mealworms present a greater challenge. While refrigeration is fine for temporary storage of these beetle larva, they need to be warmed to room temperature to start to feed. We recommend keeping them in plastic storage trays at room temperature with fresh foodstuffs for at least two days before feeding them to your lizards."---

    The key is a variety of nutritents, which the gecko won't get if you're feeding his crickets the same ole diet day after day.  

    As you don't eat nothing but steak every meal, neither should a cricket be fed nothing but a single food, even if it is a basic dry diet.

    Use a good dry basic diet, and suppliment with fresh fruits and vegetables.  You can use whatever is on had at the time.  Just rotate the fresh foods, and provide small amounts in a shall salsa jar lid, etc.

    Bad ideas are avocado and white potato.

    If you'd like a copy of the gut loading recipe I use, shoot me an email to and type GUT LOADING on the subject line.

    I hope this has been helpful.

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