
What fun games can I play with my 11 month old?

by  |  earlier

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I always get worried shes getting bored, although shes showing no signs that she is. Aside from going for walks, reading books, blowing bubbles, playing peek a boo, what can we do for fun to keep her mind active?




  1. I agree with above's answer. Try crawling on the floor with her..race down the hallway etc. Also, at this age, her little mind is like a sponge, try baking a cake together, let her stir the batter, and of course "l**k the spoon" Yum. And let her ice it after it cools. Also, music is great. They learn alot of motor skills by music. Dancing.

    Also you can buy some non-toxic finger paint..and go outside..and paint away. That is messy and messy is always fun.  

  2. My daughter is 11 months...we do all the same things you do and I often wonder the same-what else can I do to keep her entertained. I don't know if your 11 month old is walking or crawling, but mine is crawling. She LOVES when mommy gets on the floor and crawls too-I either chase her or let her chase me. She's also getting really interested in whatever chores I'm doing throughout the day. Like if I have to unload the dishwasher or clean the kitchen, I put her in her high chair and label everything I touch. She gets so excited and claps. She even likes simple stuff like playing in the laundry basket or an empty cardboard box that she can crawl in and out of lol. I've found that the less expensive it is, the more she likes it. She could go all day not touching one of her toys, but she loves anything of mine.

    Edit: Just thought of another she LOVES...if I take her to Petsmart or any other pet store...she could spend literally an hour sitting in the cart looking at all the animals. Especially the fish and the birds. I take her there when she is particularly fussy because it shuts her right up and she's in awe lol.

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