
What funny things did your little one do yesterday......

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Eli hid behind the recliner, took off his diaper, pooped and promptly stacked the turds on the cats head. Pickle didn't seem to mind it, but the bath afterward was a different story!

What did your little one do?




  1. I don't know what's funnier...the fact that your son "decorated" your cat, or that your cat's name is pickle. You should probably call him Poopy Pickle from now on.

    When our 4-year old beagle sniffs our daughter's face, she opens her mouth WIDE and sticks out her tongue as far as it'll go, as if to say, "Here ya go! Take a l**k if you want!" They were made for each other.

  2. haha thats really funny...i dont have a little one, but my nephew has accidentally locked himself in the bathroom and he couldnt get out so we has to tell him to simply press the button on the k**b to unlock himself  

  3. ahhhhhh!  LOL  i can't wait until my son does that :0

    my son (eli too) has a "rody", those soft vinyl "horses".  he LOVES it.  last night when i got home from work i put him on it. he bounced like the craziest little cowboy on crack - i thought his eyes were going to pop out of his face he was so excited :) :) :)

  4. awwr! that sounds sweet! well i was hoovering my front room, and jasmine kept on holding onto my leg and saying ''hooover, hooover'' haha, bless her little heart, i love her so much x

  5. My 6 year old (Lexi) told the neighbor girls to "log on to to find out more information".  

    This wan't yesterday, but my nephew calles Groud Hogs,  Land Beavers.  

  6. My son made the couch into a slide.  He got the recliner partially out and climbed onto the couch and slide down.  It was comical.  

    I just thought of something else he did.  It wasn't really funny, but adorable.  For Christmas, my son received one of those bears that you can record messages on.  I have on it right now asking to give mommy a kiss.  (he is just starting to give kisses (just slobbery ones :)).  Well, we were playing with that bear yesterday and I pushed the play button.  He looked at me and then the teddy and gave the teddy a kiss instead.  At least he knows what is asking for the kiss :)

  7. that a good one! Yesterday my almost 2 yr old was swinging on the swingset and did a flip and landed on her face(not funny I know) but apparently she thought it was and got up and kept doing it!

  8. omg! hahahahahahahahhahahahaha that's hilarious!!:)

  9. LOL... that is hilarious, but disgusting at the same time!

    Well, my daughter is 3, but I thought I'd share as well. Last night, my husband was outside while my daughter and I were fixing dinner. Once dinner was ready, she opened the door and stuck her head out and yelled, "Jason, dinner's ready!"  I started cracking up, it was so funny! She's used to seeing me do that and yelled his actual name instead of saying Daddy.  

  10. yesterday my 3 year  old bro didnt take his nap so he was going a bit crazy

    he took his pants off and was running around the house screaming/singing "shake your boooooooty,shake your booooooooty' then( considering he was tired) he didnt see the wall so he crashed into it

    no worries he laughed it off

  11. My grandbaby 2 years old knows the button on mommy's cell phone to call me so I get " Hi, wh wh what are you doing gwama?" several times a day then she recites her abc's or sings twinkle twinkle little star once in a while. I love it! Her mom doesn't know she's calling most of the time.

  12. HA HA HA HA, thank GOD mine wasn't this drastic lol My daughter is just a bully! Yesterday she stole her 4yr old brothers soccer ball while he was practicing and then as he was complaining to daddy, she stops and says "Georgie, I'm nuts!" HA HA HA, like that is a ligitimate excuse for her to steal his toys! she just turned 2 by the way lol

  13. OMG, I just choked on my drink.  LOLOLOL  Too funny!

    Hmmm... Yesterday...  I think the funniest thing Johnny did was he was eating a cupcake (yeah, I know, not good, but a girl I work with made him a cupcake so I let him have it)... And he took it, ate all the cake, but he didn't understand the icing part.  I ran into the kitchen to get a paper towel, came back... And the icing was smeared all in his hair, face, and hands.

    Let's just say next stop was the bathtub.  Then after that, I had to vaccum the floor cuz there was cupcake everywhere!!!!

  14. My little one year old actually hummed 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' exactly in tune.  She can speak fragmented sentences, but we weren't expecting her to be able to sing/hum!  Not only was it adorable (she was just sitting in her carseat, calmly staring into space), it was also freaky!

    And her older sister, when she was one and a half, pushed a little one the same age as her who tried to steal her toy over, to the ground.  Then she calmly took the toy back.  All of this was done in a few seconds, no sounds made on my older baby's part, she just sat back down and calmly went back to her toy.  The other baby just burst into tears though:)

    And one more thing: my oldest girl, (who's only a year older than my second), when she was six months old, she looked at her wrist, found it very fascinating.  She got it closer and closer to her face until her big, blue eyes went cross-eyed.  

    And at only 8 months, her first word ever was picture:)  

    Yeah, I have three kids:)

  15. My daughter (6 mths) started poking her tongue out and blowing raspberries and then laughing at herself.  She thinks she's so clever....we do too!

    My son (3.5 yrs) told me that 'oh, by the way mummy a bird pooed on your car window and it's really quite pretty!'

    God, I love my kids!  Lol

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