
What funny things do your pets do?

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What funny things does your pet do or has done before?




  1. My ferret would roll over like a dog for his favorite nerf ball.

  2. My 6 month old lovebird lays on his back on the floor and he bites his own feet.And sometimes his sister pulls on his feet while hes on his back

    I think its cute

  3. My black beauty cat  "Kole" fetches like a trained dog.  She's awesome!!!!!  Someday I'll video tape it and post it on You Tube.

  4. When I groom my dwarf hamster, she lies down on the ground like dog :P And she sleeps with her butt in the air :P It's adorable :)

  5. My cat does all kinds of things that crack me up:

    1). She meows in this deep, schizo tone (close to a howl), and frantically jumps from furniture to furniture. She acts schizo sometimes, but she's cute.

    2).  When I start to walk downstairs, she always tries to race me, and as we near the bottom, she just makes a jump for it to fly in order to beat me! It's not a graceful landing, but is hilarious.

    3).  She gets jealous when my husband & I are talking and she's not part of the conversation, so she starts meowing to chime in & let us know that she's still there.

    4).  She sleeps on my head sometimes.

    5).  She attacks plastic bags, as if it's alive...  (She does the same thing at Christmas with wrapping paper... Attacking all the ribbons & what not).

    6).  She tries to eat her food like a human. No joke! She will actually try to pick up her food with her paw & draw it to her mouth. (It gets messy).

    7).  She meows to me & I meow back.  We go back & forth until I finally stop. (She is very talkative).

  6. I think its hilarious when my Ferrets do the "Weasel War Dance" this is where they open their mouths, arch their back, twitch their head and hop side ways  <=D

  7. My horse begs for food if you go into the tack shed cause she knows this is where the food is kept. She lifts her foot right up in the air,pulls a funny face and puts her head near the floor. It;s quite sweet but not when you're trying to tack her up!

  8. Well I don't know how "funny" it is, but my older Boxer Bella I believe tries to get my daughter's new puppy lost.

    Bella is a few years old but due to a boat accident, she now has arthritis. She doesn't move often from her favorite pillow normally, but sometimes my daughter's new puppy is annoying. Pulls on Bella's ears, bites, tries to get her to play. Bella acts like she tolerates it. But sometimes she will casually stand up, and start heading for the door with the little puppy on her heals. I have a long driveway that she'll start heading down slowly and casually while stopping to look back and see if the puppy is still following and at times sit there and wait. As soon as the puppy catches up, she will begin walking again. When they hit the end of the driveway, Bella will sit there with the puppy for a moment..let the puppy get distracted on something other than her, and then RUN like h**l back up the driveway leaving the puppy in her dust and back into the house.

    I live in the country, and there is never anyone on the main road in front of my house. I'm the only one that lives on this road so I'm not too concerned and will make sure the puppy returns. But I'll sit on my porch and watch this go on and I can't help but giggle a bit.

    Bella does this at least once a day. Its the most exercise she gets these days.

    I also have a cat that can open any door in my house as long as it's not locked by jumping up and turning the handle (If only I could get her to close them behind her) and Ferrets that are always doing silly things.

  9. my 3 yrs old bunny likes to l**k my feet when I do the laundry.

  10. Cute stunts.

  11. My dog turns on the hose.

  12. my dog can is trained to go to the bathroom outside and when he comes in to close the door behind him when told to.  also, he harmonizes with ambulance sirens when they go by.  he chases and catches flies.  and he pulls branches off the fruit trees and strips them bare of bark and leaves.

  13. my cat uses the human toilet to do its buisness... it like balances on the seat and pees lol its really random >-<

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