
What future is there for the British Overseas Territories?

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Will they all eventually become independant or attached to other states such as Gibraltar with Spain or the British Indian Ocean Territory with Mauritius? Aside from that do you feel a little sad that the worlds largest empire is now reduced to nothing or are you glad that it's now finished?

Cheers for answering,





  1. The British Empire is finishing, not finished.

    I believe our Overseas Territories will stand by Great Britain as we are (whether or not it is politically correct to say it) their lifeline to the civilised world. We are fast entering an age that will witness a shift in the balance of power, but this is nothing new; Empires rise and fall, and always have done.

    China and India will replace Britain and the US and the driving factors in the world economy (although it's going to be interesting watching the new Europe develop). Look at how their industry is soaring whilst ours drains away- what does Britain export any more? How many people do you know who drive British cars or watch British televisions?

    I'm not some nay-sayer who is suggesting that WW3 is just around the corner, but mark my words things are changing and will continue to do so. We are in a state of constant flux, but that is what makes it all worth living!

    Back to your question, and apologies for my rant:

    Our Overseas interests will remain ours until somebody else shows an interest, a nation that can offer those countries concerned a better deal. But can you really see China or India going out of their way to acquire Tristan De Cunha?!

  2. No, they are extremely loyal to the UK - look at the nationalism displayed in Gibraltar and the Falklands.

    The Falklands is a very good example - they have potentially massive oil reserves and therefore wealth. Hence they will become rich in their own right, but still loyal as who will get their oil out and who will protect it? BP, Shell and the Royal Navy - Britain will remain integral.

    Most BOTs like the protection of being part of the UK affords to them - the Caribbean is rife with pirates, but not in British waters, because of the Navy and the funding provided by the HM Government to fund a coast guard. In these increasingly uncertain times, attachment to a world power will only ever become more beneficial - look at Montserrat, a Caribbean island where a volcano erupted in 1990, if it was not a BOT, it would not have been awarded £30 million in development aid from the UK.

    It is the also the economic benefits which ensure loyalty. For example the Windward Islands BOT. Here they produce much of the UKs banana supply. The islands cannot produce them as cheaply as South America but because it’s a BOT, it gets preferential access to the UK market.

    Hence BOTs are awarded benefits in the forms of protection and economics whilst still being self governing.

    BOT = British Overseas Territory

  3. It is a sickening shame what has happened to this once great nation. Things can only get worse , but guess what, the people who keep voting for this ridiculous government are the ones to blame. The do gooders of the so called Great Britain ! should be ashamed because one day it will be gone and our descendants will ask us what happened. What will we reply.. "oh, well we just let the world and their granny's take over"...

  4. Most of the territories are not big enough to become self governed states there simply isnt enough population, Besides they gain alot of benifit from been administered from the U.K not to mention they are defended by our military from occupatio. Also the U.K is hardly nothing we are still one of the largest economies in the world which for it's size is quite a feat. Most of the devloped world comes from the U.K and other european countries.

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