
What future technologies promise to make railroad crossings safer?

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Hi im doing an 8th grade presentation on safe driving for teens in towns.





  1. Good question, the only failsafe technology is to eliminate crossings altogether.

    This seems facetious but it isn't, in many places the Government and railroads working together have combined several crossings by re-routing highways and then building an over or underpass to totally eliminate the crossing.

    Another thing that can help is improved visibility near crossings, straightening roads so that the view is not obsturcted by curves and cutting down trees and vegetation near crossings, seems simple but that is often the most effective.

    Of the programs in place now the one that has truly done the most to make crossings safer is one called "Operation LIfesaver" and it is education.

    Volunteers go wherever they are invited, schools, bus driving academies, trucking companies, etc and simply educate people how dangerous crossings can be and the only 100% effective safety device is the driver.

    All crossings are manmade mechanical devices and can fail.

    Anyone that relies on them is placing their life in someone else's hands.

    Urge your teachers to find out if there is on Operation LIfesaver program in your area, it is very worthwhile. It has saved many lives over the years, proving the best safety technology is still the human brain.

  2. For TEENS eh ? Well, here in California, they've passed a LAW that makes the use of some technology (cell-phones, pagers, text-devices, and PSP's) illegal by those under 18 while driving.  AWARE drivers are less likely to make unsafe railroad crossings

    Technology that might help would be inclusion of "black boxes" in cars that monitor driving habits... Using this data,  Insurance companies could raise the rates of those who operate vehicles unsafely, including improper crossing of railroad-crossings.  State Departments of Vehicles could revoke the licenses of those who operate vehicles unsafely.

    There could ALSO be black-boxes using cell-phone or wi-fi technology to provide an ALARM inside the vehicle warn the driver, OR that would NOT PERMIT a car to drive across a rail-crossing that is expecting a train... simply locking the brakes or killing the engine.  SMARTER would be to combine a more SOLID barrier at the railroad-crossing.

    Things that HAVE occurred are using LED lights for RR-Crossing signals... they're brighter and last LONGER...

    GOOD LUCK on your presentation

  3. more of old tech...over passes/under passes... and better gates and lights... and better driver education...trans r going faster than u think!

  4. Here's a link that might help:

    Technology can only do so much. It's up to the drivers to look both directions and obey the signals.

  5. brain v2.0 (not yet invented, we're still stuck on v1.0)

  6. Some improvements are being installed now, all across the country.

    Let me start out by saying, once again, people assume that grade crossing protection, gates, bells and lights, always work.  They don't.  They do have battery back-up in case of power failure, and in very remote areas they run entirely off of battery power.  But, they can fail, or be rendered inoperative, for other reasons.  NEVER trust them.  ALWAYS stop (not usually an option but when possible, do it) look and listen.

    The latter of these life saving techniques requires turniong down the music and rolling down the window.

    If you are stopped for a passing train, stay back a good distance.  Things can fall off the train or the train can derail.  If you leave room, you have some margin of safety.

    But, the protection is getting better with new technology.  The bells are now being upgraded to play recorded sounds played through speakers.  A bell requires a striker, a mechanical device that can fail.  No moving parts here is the improvement.

    Crossings can be made safer by installation of four quadrant gates.  Speaking of gates, they are constructed in such a way that the have "break away" capability.  If ever a motorist is stuck on the tracks and the gates are down, drive through them.  Yeah, you'll have to repaint the car, but you'll still have the car AND your life.  Leave the car if blocked by traffic.  People usually panic in this situation.  Leave the packages or  whatever else in the car.

    But once out of the car, many, under the stress of the moment or in a state of panic people don't think to get away from it.  Cars have a tendency to fly apart when struck.  Distancing yourself may prevent taking a transmission to the chest..

    Do all a favor and, since you have many classmates, pass these words along to them and ask them to pass them on to their parents and friends..  They are very important words and may save the life of someone you love some day.

    Here's a safety star.  Hope you get a good grade on your report!

  7. The safest technology is an aware driver.Sadly the best technology can still fail and it should not be relied on the keep drivers safe.Stop look and listen is the Operation Lifesaver motto and it is very good advice!You should go visit their website as it may help you in your presentation.Their address is contains tips on safety and driving relating to railroads.One of the worst things that can happen to us as railroaders is to hit a car at a crossing.It's the most helpless feeling you can have.We can't stop or swerve out of the way.It takes a train a mile or more to stop so your safety crossing tracks ultimately depends on the driver.Never rely on gates or lights to protect you as they can malfunction.Good luck with your presentation.

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