
What game???????????

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What type of game would you rather watch.........

1) A sled hockey game

2) A parahockey game (ie amputees)

3) A midget/dwarf hockey game


4)a special needs game( kids/adult with down symdrom etc) ?

Please tell me Why as well.




  1. midget game!!!! LOL!!!!! Though a president game would be funnier...... Idiots hitting eachother, ROFL

  2. A special needs game. It would be great watching kids/adults who have trouble doing every day things enjoy our sport of hockey!

  3. A midget/dwarf game..."He shoots, and Verne Troyer jams in the rebound!"

    I think it would be more entertaining then any of the other ones. Would they use full size nets?

  4. A midget/ dwarf game. Do you know how BA that would be? Little people (the one politically correct term more degrading than the derogatory) skating around hitting each other, however, I could see the goalie getting the raw end of the deal...

  5. 4. special needs- would really like to see them get to experience hockey. if i had the opportunity, i would love to volunteer at an event like that

  6. The only game in that list that I've seen is sledge hockey (the amputees). That is hardcore. They're basically using themselves as missiles to drive the sled right into their opponents for a check. It's not body-on-body contact, no, no,'s metal sled thing-on-body contact.

  7. Definitely #4.  My cousin has down syndrome and he doesn't really have many opportunities to do things like that.  It would be great if there were more openings for games and programs like that for people like him.  It would really make their day to just have fun.  :)

  8. I would like to watch #4 because I love working with them. I would like being the coach and I think it would mean a lot to them to be part of an actual hockey team.

  9. I'd like to see a sled hockey game. There was a kid in my highschool- in my psychology class, who won a bronze medal on the US paralympic sled hockey team(he was born in Russia and had deformations from the Cheronobyl accident). I always talked to him about it, but never watched a sled hockey game, so I think it would be cool to see.

  10. 4) Special needs. I had a speech impairement and learning disability as a youngster (was in "Special Education" for nearly all my classes from Grade 5 -> Grade 11) and it continues to affect me to this day. I've come a long way, but we often need motivation and guidance to ignore the morons who make fun of us and to stay focused on leading a productive life.

    Trolls are a serious problem Kimmy but I don't let them dictate my opinions + feelings
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