
What games does the ps3 have that the xbox 360 dose not have?

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What games does the ps3 have that the xbox 360 dose not have?




  1. Google Ps3 exclusives and you will find your answer

  2. ff13 is coming out for ps3 only but other then that most good games sold out to the 360 like dmc4><

  3. Metal Gear Solid 4

  4. Well, theres that 1 motorcross game

  5. Haze (hee hee, it was supposed to beat Halo, I heard it was a heap), Metal Gear Solid 4... Ratchet and Clank.... idk I have a 360 not a PS3.

  6. Free on-line play, for one. Then there are the many hardware differences, and the processing power, and the graphics, etc...

    Do some research, and buy the one you think you need.

  7. Ratchet and Clank!

    First PS3 game that I had bought.. Looks like your playing a PIXAR movie.

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