
What gender is my cockatiel? (picture included)?

by  |  earlier

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Here is a picture of my cockatiel:

When purchased, the man at the shop said that it was female because of the barring on the underside of the tail.

There doesn't really seem to be any now and so I'm lead to assume it was just a juvenile male?

I think he/she's a pied cockatiel as the face is a mixture of grey and yellow, but again I'm unsure.




  1. wow that is a tough one! you have me at a loss and i can tell 99 percent of the time right off the bat, i would go to a vet, he can tell your for sure, check out for good bird info, goodluck!

  2. How old is your bird?

    hmm.. im really thinking your bird is male because of the lack of barring.  but with pieds you can never be too sure..

    you can either go to the vet and do that dna sexing,

    or you can just watch how your bird acts and how noisy it gets.

  3. I don't know by looking at him, but if you google avian DNA sexing, you can buy a kit where you sent in some blood or a feather and they tell you your bird's s*x. Good luck! :-)

  4. it looks like a female to me cause her colours are kinda light a male cockatiel usualy has brighter/darker colours

  5. well i am not 100% sure but i know how to determine parakeets. if there nose is blue it is a male and if it is like brown or a peach color he is most likely to be a female. your bird has a bluish nose so most likely he is a male. But to be sure get a test done...

    Good luck!

  6. He's a male

  7. Take it to the doctor to take a DNA test.

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