
What general person can do to stop global warming?

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how can we fight global warming in general community? how can a person contribute?




  1. Did you know that Hitler was an environmentalist?? He wanted engines to run on water. He put the earth and animals above human beings. Sound familiar to todays times. Read a book written by the president of the Czech Republic Klause. We must not be silenced by the so called liberals.

  2. plant more trees

    recycle everything you can

  3. Nothing.  Global warming AND cooling have occurred in natural cycles for millions of years with and without man.

    Man needs to make adjustments in lifestyle when either warming or cooling happen.

  4. Here are some ways to slow it down:

    1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Ever notice reduce comes first?)

    2. Walk/bike instead of driving a car(If the place your going to is just near, then just walk or use a bike.)

    3. Choose recycled products

    4. Plant more trees.

    5. Buy local products

    6. Patronize and support renewable energy resources

    7. Use fuel-efficient cars

    8. Avoid over cooling rooms

    9. Clean/replace air conditioner filters.

    10. Use environment-friendly appliances

    11.Turn off cars while waiting

    12. Plan trips to save gas

    13. Use compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL)

    14. Go Vegan. Probably one of the greatest positive impacts an individual can have on the environment as meat production in more energy intensive, and creates massive amounts of methane (20x's more powerful than CO2), as well as takes us to 16 pounds of grain to make one pound of beef).

    15. Promote Awareness: We can't do this alone

    16. Compost: Saves loads on trash and I need not by fertilizers which are often petroleum based. I also save on having buy and to ship in extra dirt

  5. read a LOT of history books. Especially on the subject of climatology and such. You'll soon find out down through history.. others got sucked into the same hysteria over the ages....let me put it more've been successfully 'sucked' into a global "political" phenom, not a scientific one!  You wanna stop it, put more energy into exposing the myths,and junk science it's based on--that's how to stop it!

  6. Walk instead of drive (especially short distances), recycle, plant trees, use solar energy or more natural types of energy, live more simply in general as it creates less waste and pollution.

  7. Every one of us can and should help in the reduction of global warming. We can shut off our household electrical appliances when they are not needed. Use as little electricity as possible.Use a refrigerator which does not use freon for cooling. Walk or cycle short distances instead of driving a car or two-wheeler. Use CFL instead of incandescent bulbs. Plant trees wherever possible. The list is endless. If you are interested,  you may visit the site, http://gblogger-globalwarming.blogspot.c...

  8. Recycle everything you can, reuse everything you can and reduce what you use/buy.  Instead of chucking unwanted items in the garbage, donate them or post on  

    Old bedding, towels, rugs go into a large bag and are donated to the local animal shelter.  Old electronic and household items we no longer want/use are posted on Freecycle.  We recycle paper, plastic, tin, plastic bags and aluminum.  We don't cut down the trees, we plant to help the environment and provide food for the birds, bees, butterflies.  We don't use pesticides, do everything we can organically, have two compost bins going for yard and kitchen scraps.  I hang clothes on the clothesline rather than run the dryer, air dry dishes, turn off computers, printers, tvs, lights, chargers when not in use.  I've stopped using a lot of chemical cleaners that emit things are aren't good for anyone.  I bought a steamer and use that.  It does a wonderful job on most things and no chemicals to deal with!

  9. tree plantation is the best thing to fight against it.

  10. by growing plants , not killing animals, not pollute the air etc

  11. have max 2 kids, the less population, the less pollution.

    buy a condo instead of a house, less consumptions.

    drive your car only if necessary, use your bike instead.

    use alternative energy, example: solar night lights.

  12. Go to the following link for a list of 50 basic things to do to stop Global warming:

    These are all easy ways to help reduce Global warming like for example by just moving your fridge away from your stove etc.

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