
What genetic tests should be ran on Pomeranians?

by  |  earlier

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Was thinking about breeding my orangesable. I said thinking. She meets all standards and shows no signs of defaults. She is 2 yrs old and will be coming into her second heat soon.




  1. Did you show her and earn her CH title to proove that she meets the standard?

    In my eyes, my Crested fits the standard..  another person may see minor faults and be able to point out why another dog is a better example of the breed.

    What health problems are common in the breed?

    OFA is for orthopedic problems..  they also keep record of things like epilepsy, thyroid problems and bleeding disorders (thyroid and blood disorders require blood test, while orthopedic problems require an x-ray)

    CERF is for eye problems.. this needs done yearly, since eyes change so much.  This exam can only be done by a Canine Opthamalogist.  Sometimes dog shows and kennel clubs hold CERF clinics.  You can find a list of CERF clinics/vets on their website

    BAER is a hearing test.

    Optigen is a genetic test..  what they can check for, depends on the breed.  In my breed they can see if a dog is a carrier for one type of PRA.

    Some of the experienced, reputable breeders that are on here may be able to inform you more about the tests.  I do not breed and only have speutered pets.. so I have never tested any of my pets.. no need to, since they are not reproducing!

  2. Well, what's her Champion title?

    Who said she meets all standards- an AKC judge?

    You need CERF, OFA, and BAER scores, as well as Brucellosis screening, as well as having her be a Champion AKC example of her breed.

    Once all that is done, studs will be lining up at your door.

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