
What german political news did you hear this past weekend?

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What german political news did you hear this past weekend?




  1. because there will be some elections this month in 2 federal states (Hessen and Niedersachsen) we here a lot of lies, lefts and rights fighting each other and the liberals do like they are numb.

    Due to the fact that we got to elect some of these politicians they think that lying to us is legal.

    So anything you here right know: don't believe it.

  2. Well you've heard about the upcoming elections allready, and Roland Koch wants to present himself as a tough law-and-order-type guy so he's asking for people under the age of 14 to be sent to jail for criminal offences.

    Also, the German senior citizens' party (Die Grauen) will have to pay  back millions in public funding it got by handing in forged proof of donations (in Germany, party funding depends on how much you gather in donations).

    Al-qaida is said to be preparing an attack on Berlin targets.

    And Andrea Nahles, deputy head of the Social Democrats, is calling for legislation that wil protect interns agains exploitation by the companies they spend their internship at.

  3. @ShlomoNY: true for Robert Koch in Hessen, but Ole and Christian didn`t do that.

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


  4. There are three upcomming state elections in Germany: Hesse, Lower Saxony and Hamburg. The Governor is presenting himself as a "law and order guy".

  5. Mr Koch has made himself virtually inelectable.

    But there's something that worries me:

    "Die Bundesanwaltschaft ist seit den Festnahmen im Juli 2007 mehrmals vom Bundesgerichtshof darauf hingewiesen worden, dass sie sich im Rahmen rechtsstaatlicher Ermittlungstätigkeit bewegen solle"

    "The state attorney's office has, after the arrests of July 07, been repeatedly reminded by the Federal Court that they should keep their investigations within the realms of the constitution"

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