
What gets blue ink stain out of white cotton garment?

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My son had a friend somehow spill blue ink from a texta on his white polly-cotton school shirt. Is there anything I can use to rid it?




  1. Mary Ellen's Stain Remover for White Fabrics (Formula #1) - it is an amazing product.  I use it a lot.  Just follow the instructions - a set stain may take more than one application, but this stuff is great!

  2. Try this it really works without using harsh solvents -

    * Dip the stained area in a container of milk (e.g blue ink).

    The 'blue' ink will run into the milk turning it blue. You will need to replace with fresh milk when the solution becomes too dark. Then wash as normal in warm water.

    It worked great for my friend's white Lab Coat!!

    Good luck!

  3. Try using a cheap hairspray, like Aquanet, and paper towels. Spray the stain with a little hairspray and blot, don't rub, with the paper towel. The hairspray dissolves the ink and the paper towel absorbs it. Work from the outside of the stain to the inside. Keep spraying a little at a time and blotting until the ink is gone. Then wash the shirt, but don't put it in the dryer, line dry it so you know the ink is gone. This has always worked for me. Hope this helps. Good luck!  

  4. spray the ink stains WET with hairspray

    rub a white bar soap on top

    this helps to stop ink from spreading.


    you don't have to blot the ink before washing.

    I get ink out all the time by just spraying and using the bar soap before washing, sometimes I need to do the process again if the ink spot is too dense

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