
What gets you mad..?

by Guest61291  |  earlier

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Me is when people tell me what to do,make me look bad,lie about me and always look at me if I had mental problems when I'm happy on a rainy day.Argh.





  1. When People Judge me! They assume things before knowing the Facts/Truth.

    Lying about me also. Trying to make me do things against my good morals/values. Against my will.

    I get mad that there are more S****y people out there nowadays in this generation than ever before. I'm against people who can't stay loyal to their one and only. Cheating people makes me Mad.

    I, Aries

    Aries Sun /Aries Moon / Virgo Rising to the stars!!! lol

    Edit: Woot Christina we have same Sign, Sun, Moon, and Rising. This is rare indeed! lol I was born March 26, 1990. My sister name is Christina and She is Aquarius.

    *Slap* in the air. Call me John lol. Johnny was my childhood name. My last name is Dutch origin of course

  2. People who ask for my advice repeatedly and then don't take it. People who take advantage of my kindness and confuse it as weakness.  


  3. i hate it when people try to control me

    when they don't trust me

    when they think they are better than me

    i hate racist comments

    i hate ignorant people

    and laziness

    aries sun

    aries moon

    virgo rising

    pretty obvious.. :-)

  4. I hate being underestimated. I don't like it when people assume that they know me when they don't. I don't like it when people are completely stubborn and narrow-minded, and refuse to look at things through any other point of view than their own. I dislike it when people make hasty judgments about things they know nothing about, and about people they know nothing about.


  5. me too! i hate it when people try to tell me what to do. i swear everytime someone tries to tell me what to do, its like this thing rears up inside me and retailiates automatically. i also hate to be compared to other people. i like to think im unique, not that i look/act/think like someone else.

    what really pisses me off is when someone acts like a complete idiot. i dont know why it makes me so mad it just does. i also hate it when people look at me like ive grown another head when i tell them ive never been kissed. so what if ive never been kissed! its not like its a capital crime! why is everybody so convinced that if you HAVE to be kissed BEFORE you turn 16?!

    *deep breath* sorry about that. that just really gets to me.

    ima genuine leo btw.

  6. I hate is when people lie to me, when they attempt to deceive me, when people are superficial, and when they somehow believe that they are too good to speak to others in an open, communicative manner.

    Aquarius Sun

    Libra Rising

    Moon in Sagittarius

  7. when guys threat us girls like ****!

  8. people who whinge about having nothing but does nothing about it, people who are extreme hypocrits, people who are overly critical or complain too much, people who back stab me or go for my boyfriend. people who do unneccesary things which cause trouble for other people =) but most of all!!!! I HATE dishonesty and unloyalty

    can you guesss what sign i am? HAHHA taurus.

  9. I hate when people feel like they can't trust me. Gets me angry beyond words. If I can put total faith into someone, I expect that person to do the same.

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

  10. huh?

    what do the astrological signs mean?

  11. People who drop in without calling me first, especially on weekends. I'm not talking about emergencies when someone needs me, or when family or friend need a shoulder to lean on. I'm talking about people who drop in on Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon without any thought of whether I already have plans. I'm constantly having to tell these type of visitors that I'm busy and please call beforehand.  

  12. I hate being under estimated. Like when I know how to do something and someone acts like I can't do it. Or when I try to explain something to someone and they act like I'm not smart enough to know what I'm talking about. Then if someone else tells them the same thing I just said they act like it must be right. I also can't stand when someone trys to belittle me. Like if I make a mistake they act like it was unbelievable that I could have gotten it wrong.

  13. i



  14. me laid back  

  15. I hate when people are fake and they lie. O M G it really gets to me. They act one way with you and the next they are someone different. I don't like when people are nice in your face and talk/gossip behind your back...I rather they act themself no matter what. I hate fake people ..esp around me. I sort of isolate myself from people like that. Yah know.

  16. Cruel peoples ; liars and back stabber ;also those who are very vengeful . I just cannot stand those kind of people ;; Libra  

  17. When people lie to me in my face

    Scorpio Sun

    Sag Rising

    Gemini Moon

  18. Scorpio a lot, Complainers make me mad.

  19. People who act like they're all that and a bag of tater chips when they have NO idea what they're talking about.


  20. seriously? the things that p**s me off the most are haters, yes i know they're everywhere, but some people really think its like an occupation or a duty. i seriously hear people talking about other people than worrying about themselves. there are far more haters in this world than there are cool trustworthy people, or even motivators. people HATE to see others doing better than themselves. guess kanye was right when he said, "HATER *****(MEN) MARRY HATER ******(WOMAN) AND HAVE HATER KIDS!

  21. Being judged for what I want to read, watch, believe or think.

    Virgo Sun

    Virgo Rising

    Pisces Moon

  22. The USA court system which is failing for so many reasons. The fact that any society seems to eventually develop into a power system of greed.

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