
What gift can I give to someone going in the Army?

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I have a close relative going in the army. He's about 20ish. What can I give as a gift? (Nothing too big. Joke gifts are acceptable too). I figure everything he'll need the army will provide, and I don't know what he already owns. Any ideas? :)




  1. Bullet proof vest. Get some other people to pich in, he will love it. or an ipod. But the best thing you can do is make a picture album with all his friends and family, best thing to do. It will keep him motivated and remind him of what he is fighting for.  

  2. gift cards are good, video games, itunes, that sort of thing

  3. Army and Air Force Exchange Service Gift Card or Calling Card.

  4. Calling cards and stamps

  5. Give him a multi-purpose a Gerber or a Leatherman.  Those things are like GOLD to a Soldier in the field.  It beats having to carry a personal toolbox around.  I was issued one when I deployed to Iraq.  I was so mad when I lost mine that I ended up buying another one...but much nicer.

    I was also given a St Christopher(patron saint of travelers) and St George (patron saint of soldiers) medallion.  I only wear them when I deploy.

  6. A small cross on a good quality chain is always good. Daffy Duck boxer shorts.  Boxer shorts with YOUR picture on them, (they do this at most malls).

  7. maybe a picture and a note saying good luck or youll be missed or a inside joke to keep him smiling!  

  8. alotta brew a couple hooers and some good atmosphere, send him off like a soldier should

  9. A fake ID so he can GTFO!

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