
What gift for under $20 can my sister inlaw get for her nephew who is turning 2?

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Our son will be 2 in August and my sister in law is asking what she can get for him and I know she's on a tight budget.




  1. Honestly, he won't remember this birthday. Therefore, considering these times, saving that money for his future might be a good idea. You could ask her to help fund college with that $20.

    Or even just saving it for when he'll actually remember a birthday might be good. $20 off a bike when he's 6 isn't bad. Let's just hope that bike inflation doesn't go insane in the next four years.

    I dunno, maybe he'd like a DVD.

  2. My son is three going on four, but here were a few budget-savvy big hits with him at that age:

    * Bubbles, especially ones with fun wands that make different shapes, sizes, etc.

    * Any little car/truck that's suitable for smaller hands.  He liked Matchboxes, too, but not until a little bit later.

    * Alternately, a very BIG plastic truck - inexpensive ones can often be found at Target, WalMart, etc. - or you can often buy Little Tikes versions secondhand.

    * If you have a garden or a sandbox, get a big ol' shovel.  My kid LOVES to dig things up.

    * A play tent.  Ikea sells them for about $10, and they're endless fun.

    Honestly, I've found that the smaller the kid, the cheaper the gift ... even my soon-to-be 4 y.o. is more about a Matchbox car than a fancy fire truck.

  3. Depends on what types of things you are allowing your child to have.  Play-doh is a NO NO at my house, but kids love it so if you don't mind the mess and the PERMANENT stains in your carpet, then that's an option.  Books are always great and you can get quite a few for $20.  Coloring books and crayons, maybe the washable ones or they have the Crayola sets that are the markers but only color on that certain type of paper.  she could get him a bowl/plate/cup set with characters on it.  Disney DVD's or VHS's if you allow television.  Clothing maybe something for winter coming up in the size he'll need.  Giftcards are always good cuz you can just get what you want him to have or let him go to the toy isle and pick something.  Matchbox cars, and thomas the train sets were always a hit with my boys at that age.  My kids also both liked those little backpacks that look like regular big kid backpacks and I put toys and diapers/pull ups in it at that age and they liked to carry them themselves, makes them feel bigger.  Sunglasses and baseball hats are cute at that age. Tons and tons of ideas, and at least your inlaws ask.  Mine always buy stuff that I don't like or want my kids to have or they buy clothes that are too small and won't fit for the season that it is.  LOL.  Best of luck

  4. a gift card at toys r us is good

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