
What girl body language says "I like you"?

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What girl body language says "I like you"?




  1. smiling, looking at you repeatedly or for longer than usual, touching hair, if sitting, she'll cross her leg toward you...

  2. when she moves close too. or she is flirty.

  3. i play with my hair and playfully hit the guy when he tells jokes.  touching is definatly a good sign.

  4. If she touches her face a lot. If she touches you that's a really good sign. pat on the arm, shoulder.

  5. Pressing her body parts against your is a pretty reliable sign.

  6. If they gag and vomit right off, that is not a good sign.

    Most people, when interested in another person, look them in the eye and lean toward them thus decreasing the body space.  That is they lean in and get closer.  And they maintain eye contact. Touching the hand as a gesture or while laughing can be a hint.

    Eye contact is important.  If you do something and they lean back and break eye contact .... oops you did something wrong.  :)  Good luck

    Dr. J

  7. I have heard playing with their hair

  8. She gets naked

  9. blushing, smiling, staring, stuttering, saying "i like you"

  10. That wave where you bring down your fingers one by down. Boys do it to be funny, but I think they're all homosexual.

  11. She takes off all her clothes in front of you.

  12. they are naked

  13. When we talk to a guy we like we face him  and touch  when we can{ like in talking or laughing}

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